Lethal Pursuer is OP (2024)

luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

August 2023 edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

The adding time to aura reads part is OK, but the showing the survivors at the beginning of the match is such a HUGE advantage. Makes me feel like I'm cheating.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    August 2023

    Its fine for 115% speed killers.Its that high speed killers can instantly start chase like Blight, Nurse, Spirit.

    I do think a 4sec of Lethal pursuer should be basekit, though all killers' power must be on recharged at the beginning, so high speed killers dont instant start a chase. Nurse however has really low recharging time, its still not matter to her.

  • BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,797

    August 2023

    It’s fine.

    The aura reading at the start is powerful, but unless you use an aura perk/add on you are playing 99% of the game with only 3 perks. Aura perks themselves aren’t even that great right now with Distortion and Off the Record and using aura perks means less slots for slowdown.

    It’s strong but fair.


  • GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    August 2023

    It's not OP. It does its job of showing you where everyone started, your first chase and where to go next. It also shows you how screwed you can be with survivors spawning on a gen each - that's what's really nuts about it and honestly kind've depressing at times but it's a fine perk. Perfect spot I'd say.


  • Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    August 2023

    We have a ton of aura reading perks for both sides and you think Lethal Pursuer is OP? There are much stronger aura reading perks that this one. Just saying.


  • Seraphor Member Posts: 9,048

    August 2023

    Yeah sure just let 3 gens pop before you find anyone.

    I would say it's probably a little too good for high mobility killers though. Maybe it should have a cut off like BBQ, something liie 50-70m so if you immediately sprint/blink towards them you see the aura for less time.


  • https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/comment/3501167#Comment_3501167

    Isn't your first chase like the most important one? And if it wasn't as strong as you claim killers like Nurse and Blight wouldn't run it but they do. It also gives you a great opportunity to disturb gens being work by 2+ people at the start of the game which is great value.


  • Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    August 2023


    I mean, at the first chase, all pallets are up. So its bound to be the longest one. Disturbing a gen with 2+ people can be a double edged sword. As having every survivor on a different gen is the bigger threat for a killer. Nurse and Blight using it would seem a logic step, as they have the biggest mobility. But that doesn´t say anything about its power.

    Usually survivors spawn the furthest away from the killer. So as killer the best step at the beginning is to go for the furthest gen. Lethal Pursuer only helps in the regard to chose a different taget gen for x reasons.

    Remember, the thread is about that OP feels like cheating when using this perk. When there are aura reading perks that show where healing survivors are, where the exact position of the killer is when you hit a great skill check, where the killer is when he kicks something etc. Those are arguably stronger than Lethal Pursuer.


  • Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    August 2023

    Lethal Pursuer is fine. It's powerful, but it's also a one-time deal. It helps you start one chase but it doesn't, in any way, help you win that chase. On top of that, Discordance isn't particularly rare, and just outright shuts it down.

  • Xernoton Member Posts: 5,412

    August 2023

    Fixing an ingame issue that has been in the game since its launch and only allows the killer to play the game as intended (immediately engaging in chases) is op now.

    What's next? Brutal Strength?


  • BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    August 2023

    One word. Distortion.

    Letal is a fine perk, the only thing the perk does is start chases faster and improve aura reading.

    It's definetly good, but you can still loop the killer if you confident enough, if you like to be a stealth player, then just use Distortion, the perk has so much value for stealth builds and giving you info on what kinda of build they are running.


  • Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393

    August 2023

    I just have to chip in at all the people saying “Run Distortion”. And when we do, then we get everybody calling for Distortion nerfs saying it’s too strong. 🤣 This is why an Asymmetrical Game can never be truly balanced.


  • August 2023

    Lethal Pursuer is a great perk, but unless you’re running other aura reading perks you only get value out of it once. I’d say it’s pretty balanced as is. It definitely shouldn’t be basekit though. You get to see the auras of every gen, the exit gates, and see scratch marks where survivors were running… that’s more than enough.

  • HPhoenix Member Posts: 583

    August 2023

    Distortion exist btw.


  • Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,057

    August 2023

    I'd actually say the opposite is true, that Lethal Pursuer showing where survivors are at the start of the game is fine, but then the extended aura-reading abilities gives far more information throughout the trial than it should. It feels more like an "all-seeing" perk, especially with add-ons and other perks which grant aura viewing at already strong levels.


  • Chomperka Member Posts: 188

    August 2023


    no it isn't, it's necessary tool for higher ranks so you wont end your first chase at 3-2 gens(and even with pursuer it's often 3 gens). I won't agree to pursuer nerf unless corrupt basekit.

  • Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    August 2023 edited August 2023

    If anything I think it’s a little weak. The auras at the start are nearly redundant info as you already know survivor spawns through game experience. The only real usefulness is seeing where the survivors multistacked to pressure more than one and the increased aura duration. If anything I’d buff the perk, definitely not OP. To me it’s rarely worth a perk slot unless you’re a newer player. You’d probably average more value from Discordance since it usually procs immediately at the start and you continue to get value from it all game.


  • mizark3 Member Posts: 1,991

    August 2023

    It doesn't tell you what more hours of experience wouldn't tell you. There are very limited spawn mechanics. It most commonly is 2 duos, and 4 together. Occasionally you get 4 solos or a trio solo, but those are rare compared to the double duo. It reduces Luck, and makes Survivor and Killer interact sooner. The only problem I'd say is locker grabs and AFKs.

    Both locker grabs and AFKs are a fault on the Survivor though. Risking a locker at the start of the match is some of the riskiest dumbest moves you can pull, but if it works it works. AFKs means you should have went to the bathroom before clicking queue up. Unless you have a massive problem in the bathroom, you have enough time to get back without skipping on washing your hands. If you are bathroom ridden for an extended time, you probably shouldn't queue up for a match.

  • JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    August 2023


    Just cause those perks occur more frequently doesn't make them as strong. For the most part those are perks I would assume solo survivors would be using (Fogwise and Alert) since they cannot communicate killer position to their teammates unlike SWFs. That by itself makes it a lot weaker on the grand scheme of things. Lethal persuer is stronger the more aura reading you bring as long as you have skill to and a good killer to take advantage of it. Injuring 2 people who are doing their first gen and forcing out the others who are doing the gen closest to that one is a lot of slowdown for the killer and saves them a lot of time in not wondering around etc. It's more common to spawn in 2s or 3s than it is for everyone to spawn alone next to e gen (mind you gens on the same side of the map for the most part). More often than not you displace 2-3 at the same time rather than just 1. And I'm gonna assume that even if you get the worst case scenario, if you know anything about the game you can choose your most advantageous survivor (say someone who is working on a 3-gen or something).

    This is quite a multipurpose perk that does not really a downside (the only downside being only bringing Lethal Pursuer with no other aura reading perk). People are just really slow to adapt to good perks and LP has been good ever since it got buffed, it's simply that back then people run 2-3 slowdown/regression perks and LP requires you to be more active than chill back and wait for the game to reach a point where it's unlosable against majority of the teams.

  • Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    August 2023


    I still don´t see the issue here. As you said, people are usually complaining about slowdown perks. This isn´t one of them. Anything that isn´t a slowdown perk is a good change. More variety is always good.

    In order to get any benefit from LP you need to dedicate the whole build to it.


  • JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    August 2023


    Ugh...not really. You can do 2 perks for aura building and 2 perks for gen regression/slowdown. This was also a decent build back when CoB was strong, despite some people running 3-4 slowdowns. You can do LP, No where to Hide, Pop goes the Weasel and any other gen regression/slowdown you want. No where to Hide is great because most people hang around their gen trying to hide.

    The most common killer to run only aura building are Huntresses who wish to snipe you from across the map.

  • EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

    August 2023

    Its fine

  • Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    August 2023


    Equally as much, to all those saying Lethal should be basekit… so also should be Distortion😏🤓

  • luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

    August 2023

    good conversations here!

    As a counterpoint to those saying "just go for the furthest gen at the start of the match", that's a great tactic at lower ranks, but I'm high enough rank that survivors usually know NOT to do the gen they spawn next to, so LP shows me which way they're going from that, and where they're trying to hide. And if I see a group spawn together, and I go over and one of them tries to lure me away, then I know that there are other, easier pickings hiding right around there.

    Also, yes, I always include other aura-reading perks with LP.

  • jordanjustice Member Posts: 110

    August 2023


    It is. I complain about it on everyone but Nemi. Just feels right for Nemi, cause its his perk... Anyways.. I've brought up this point before in this forum. I have no issue with the perk showing you where everyone is.. the issue is the time length. Because with the aura showing time, you not only know about where they are.. but you get to that area and the perk is still active and you can see the aura of the survivor who is hiding behind the rock, trying to avoid you because they heard your terror radius coming..

    As suggested before, they should also let the survivors see the killers aura at the same time. Then the survivors would understand that you have LP and they can see you. Them understanding this is vital. If they know you have LP, then they won't try to hide, instead they will start running and start the chase off right... But right now, you have survivors hiding, trying to avoid a killer's sight which they normally would avoid... but because the killer has a cheat mechanic (aura reading) active, they see the survivors every move and go to them and get their first unearned hit... shortening the first chase by half.

    So, the perk should either be changed to show everyone's aura for like 3 seconds to start the match, or the survivors get to see the killers aura for the entire time that the killer sees the survivors'.


Lethal Pursuer is OP (2024)


How long does a lethal pursuer last? ›

You have been designed to track down and eliminate targets. are revealed to you for 7/8/9 seconds. Extends the duration of all instances of a Survivor Aura being revealed to you by +2 seconds.

Does Lethal Pursuer stack? ›

Dead by Daylight

Does Lethal Pursuer stack with the Plague add-on Black Incense? Just curious that's a nice combo if it does. "It extends the aura reading abilities of perks and add-ons that have a timer on them. So no, it would not work in conjunction with this particular add on."

What killer has the perk lethal pursuer? ›

Lethal Pursuer is a unique perk belonging to Nemesis. It was added to the game on 15 June 2021 in patch 5.0.

What killer has no way out? ›

No Way OutLichA
No Way OutWraithB
No Way OutSpiritB
No Way OutExecutionerB
18 more rows

What is Save the Best for Last DBD? ›

For as long as your Obsession is alive, Save the Best for Last activates after chasing any Survivor for 20 seconds: Reduces the Cool-down duration of your next successful Basic Attack by 30/35/40 %. This effect lingers for 5 seconds after losing Chase on a Survivor.

How do you reveal the killer's aura? ›

Each time you complete a Generator, the Killer's Aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds. When the last Generator is completed, the Killer's Aura is revealed to you for 5/7/10 seconds.

Which survivor has distortion? ›

Prestige Jeff Johansen to Prestige 1, 2, 3 respectively to unlock Tier I, Tier II, Tier III of Distortion for all other Characters. Start the Trial with 3 Tokens. , Distortion activates, consuming 1 Token, and the following effects apply: Blocks your Aura from being read for the next 6/8/10 seconds.

What killer has sloppy butchers? ›

Sloppy ButcherWraithA
Sloppy ButcherKnightA
Sloppy ButcherCenobiteA
Sloppy ButcherGhost FaceA
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Can the pursuer be poisoned? ›

The Buckler received just before the second bonfire in the forest will make parrying easier. Note that the Pursuer can be poisoned with weapons or two casts of the pyromancy Poison Mist.

What does bitter murmur do in DBD? ›

Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability: Each time a Generator.

What perk lets you stab the killer? ›

After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds: When grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check to stab the Killer and escape from their grasp. Stuns the Killer for 4 seconds.

How long do trails of torment last? ›

You guide your victims along a path of pain and punishment. Performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator activates Trail of Torment: Grants the Undetectable Status Effect for 16 seconds.

Which killer has Iron Maiden? ›

Iron MaidenSkull Merchant3.29
Iron MaidenSingularity3.2
Iron MaidenSpirit3.2
Iron MaidenNightmare3.18
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