Perk Appreciation: Lethal Pursuer and Bond (2024)

Riski Member Posts: 208

February 2023 in General Discussions

Maybe I'll do these regularly but I want to do a quick, positive post on two perks I really like using. Info perks, addons and powers make me feel good as they allow me to make the right decision at a given moment and play to my potential without having to take unfortunate risks. A generally underrated part of someone's kit these are some of the better two:

Lethal provides many killers with a very good start which can't be matched. High mobility killers can get to the survivors before the duration ends and catch them off guard, stealth killers know exactly what angles to take to remain undetected while wasting little time and ranged killer can get a lot of damage early with the right aim. Ghost Face is the best example of this, stalk is essentially an easy hit ranged attack and lethal will often get you an easy 99% (stalking someone to near full ready for later) or two before committing to someone and you know where you can and can't go without risk of getting revealed and losing your potentially powerful start this killer is capable of.

The HuD update is nice and certain info perks provide more info in particular areas, but bond is the most versatile in what it gives you. Seeing where your teammates drop nearby pallets, who's around for a heal, which gens not the bring the killer to and if someone is actually going for the unhook is info other perks can provide, but bond is the best at providing them all. Don't need to worry about skill checks like fogwise or someone being hooked like kindred, it's there to tell you what's happening, nearby which is the most important to you, all the time. It's especially good in areas/maps with multiple floor where bond can tell me if someone if bringing the killer to me or if they're on the other floor. The consistency it provides and all you can infer from it makes it a very satisfying perk to use.


  • Snowflake_Syndrome Member Posts: 239

    February 2023

    It's hard not to put LP into most of my builds. Since the buff it synergizes with so many other aura reading perks.

    Bond I find to be kind of obsolete since the new Hud.


  • Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,560

    February 2023 edited February 2023

    bond should really be base-kit for survivor to be honest. The HUD is ok... but like Bond just fixes soloq vs swf discrepancy problems. The issue is that now that HUD exists, they likely will not iteration or improve anything for survivor regarding soloq because the hud is supposedly good enough. soloq is still at -2 perk slots to be equal to swf due to window of opportunity[I do not use WoO but pick-rates show that many players use it] and kindred or bond being needed to equalize.


  • Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    February 2023

    Bond is my comfort perk that I haven’t taken off in almost 2 years. Constant info about what pallets are used and what teammates are doing


  • GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    February 2023

    I never use exhaustion perks because I'm always packing that Bond + Open Handed combo. It's such a great perk, and I much prefer perks that are unconditional and give you a little bonus. Sometimes I even use it in full aura reading builds, nothing stealth or healing related, just vision.


  • Veroles Member Posts: 868

    February 2023

    For me Bond is the absolute best perk for solo queue. Not even "kindred" can do what that perk has to offer. You get information about:

    1. Where someone gets chased and also if this person drops pallets
    2. Where you can hold the chase without disturbing team
    3. You can hittank when needed
    4. It helps you to sneak around when you are "dead on hook" when another survivor brings the chase closer to you
    5. You can spot people who love to chill in locker whole game long and wait for hatch since beginning and bring them funny moments and at least a little action
    6. Mostly you see if someone goes to unhook
    7. ...

    To be honest, i have no clue why the most people in solo queue don't run this perk at all.


  • Riski Member Posts: 208

    February 2023

    I mean as good as it's it isn't the most flashy. If you like perks that have their high impact moments that standout to everyone, information generally isn't for you as survivor. But if you're someone who appreciate options that are more consistent throughout a match and you see the value of instead of others, it's great.


  • Veroles Member Posts: 868

    February 2023

    It is not that flashy but when you love team play in solo queue this is your perk. When a perk can bring solo queue on a swf level then it's Bond.

  • March 2023

    Oh, Bond is the absolute best as far as I'm concerned! One of my go-to survivor builds is Empathy, Open-Handed, Bond, and Empathic Connection. Not really exciting as far as perks go, but it gives you and your team, even, a lot of information to work with. Boons are nice, but with Open-Handed and Empathic Connection, I feel like I'm passively helping my team just by existing. Even if "helping" only amounts to extended aura reading for the team and my location given if they're injured. I'll take it! Subtly helping the team just by existing is always something I've tended to lean towards. Up the Ante almost never gets use anymore unless the entire team coordinates, but I like the concept of a perk that doesn't do anything all that powerful, but it's constant and so long as you're alive, it's boosting the team in some small way. I kind of wish there were more perks like that.


  • Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    March 2023 edited March 2023

    I find LP to be redundant. It tells you information that good game sense already gives you. You have spawn points memorized. That's giving up an entire perk slot for a couple seconds extra aura reading essentially. Which unless you're going full aura reading build (which is more meme'y honestly) to benefit from that you'd be better off just throwing an extra aura read perk in its place.

    It's good for learning spawns though I suppose.

  • Veroles Member Posts: 868

    March 2023

    I tried it also with "empathic connection"... but all what happened was that people run desperated into me and it felt like "help me!". And i am like "What i should do man, i wanna do this gen here , can't you leave me alone and dance anywhere else with the killer?" 😂

    But a question:

    For what you need "empathy" when you have "bond + open handed"? You see the injured ones anyway the whole game long: Would it not make much more sense to use a different perk like "we'll make it"? I mean when you wanna play it like that i have no problem i'm just curious.


  • Wylrin Member Posts: 98

    March 2023

    Running Empathy, Open-Handed, and Bond all in the same build probably is overkill, I'll admit. But it does help with keeping tabs on survivors who are far away. Just knowing where the killer is engaged in chase - even if it's nowhere near my general vicinity - gives me some peace of mind. It can also be helpful knowing what pallets an injured survivor is throwing down. Granted, Alert or Any Means Necessary would be better for seeing which pallets are actually being broken, but I just like knowing where my teammates are.

    I feel like Empathy can almost be more useful with the HUD addition. If there's an injured person working on a generator far away, you know which generator has how much progress and whether to prioritize getting that generator done or just work on your own generator. Empathy and other similar aura reading perks can give you information as to which of the generators is at 90% or otherwise almost completed. But you are right in that running Empathy with Bond coupled with Open-Handed is probably unnecessary; it's just a personal playstyle preference of mine. I like knowing where all of my teammates are at all times, and Empathy/Bond with or without Open-Handed usually covers it.

    Because honestly, I feel like a lot of other perks' information can be given indirectly with perks that show your teammates' auras. Empathy and Kindred tell you what generators are being done, aura reading perks tell you if someone's found a totem or chest, if they're throwing down a pallet, etc. My go-to playstyle is what I like to call a sort of Scavenger build. Not scavenging for items, but objective progress, you could say. I try to keep tabs on other people's progress so I can swoop in if they're pressured off of it. I obviously sit on generators of my own, but sometimes it can be more helpful to the team to sort of "scavenge" off of their efforts and make sure their efforts don't go to waste. And if you're playing with that sort of goal in mind, knowing the location of every one of your teammates is incredibly helpful.

    So yeah, it just boils down to playstyle and personal preference. :3


  • Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    March 2023

    It does so much more then that

    Going to the place where a single survivor spawned instead where a cluster of 3 survivors spawn is the difference between 3 gens being done in your first chase or 1-2 gens being done

    You have a good idea where everybody is as they will probably stick to the gens they spawned to. That means that after your first down if you are close to that gen you can leave the survivor slugged and go harras the one on the gen

    One person needs to get of a gen to pick up the slug, the slug can't work on a gen and you just chased someone of a gen that was probably about to be finished.

    If you are able to down that survivor before the slug is picked up you've had massive pressure and just delayed your first hook a bit all because Lethal told you someone was working on that gen earlier

    It's not just for finding a survivor quickly. It's for making the absolute best out of the worst time in the game for you

    Honestly one of the better perks for a lot of killers to me


  • Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,560

    March 2023

    i think it is because a lot of people do not how to use it correctly or think they can play without it. Maybe its possible if your game-sense is on like another level but i think its relatively near impossible for soloq to play macro game perfectly. While playing macro game is not auto-win for survivor, its contributing factor to losing or winning many cases.


  • DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    March 2023

    I always try to say hello to survivors from distance in the beginning with Bond but no reaction. Because mostly it's just me running it lol

  • Veroles Member Posts: 868

    March 2023

    Ahh okay :) thanks for answering. It's nothing bad to run it like that because the most impactful thing in DBD is not loop or chase skills, that are informations and how you push the most value out of it. My standard solo queue build is: Bond + DH + OTC. The 4th perk is always something i choose mood dependend. Mostly it is just plunderer so when the round was good and we could make it possible doing all gens, i can at least loot a chest and hope for a ranger med kit😎. Or when round went bad maybe there's a key inside. (haha what a wish dream).

    Or they are simply like "Aura reading? i'm too skilled for that BS i am not a noob" :p. But doing unhook and keep killer away from gens mostly this guys can not offer.😂

    But there this topic is "Perk Appreciation: Lethal Pursuer and Bond" i also wanna say something to the other perk.

    Lethal pursuer is something like the other aura reading stuff on killer side. idk. I like to play killer with instinct and not with aura reading, because it mostly makes me feel like an auto pilot . That's also why i personally hate "nowhere to hide". It's no question that those are good perks in right hands but do i really wanna play killer like that? It's enough to see all those "nowhere to hide" nurses which seem to lost all their game sense because some don't see me even i stand directly in front of them. This gives a bot feeling.

Perk Appreciation: Lethal Pursuer and Bond (2024)


Which killer has lethal pursuers? ›

It's also good on killers like Nemesis and Doctor, that want to hit multiple survivors with their power. Lethal Pursuer is a healthy perk for the metagame.

Does lethal pursuer affect itself? ›

Lethal Pursuer benefits from its own effect.

Does Lethal Pursuer stack? ›

Dead by Daylight

Does Lethal Pursuer stack with the Plague add-on Black Incense? Just curious that's a nice combo if it does. "It extends the aura reading abilities of perks and add-ons that have a timer on them. So no, it would not work in conjunction with this particular add on."

What does open handed do in Dead by Daylight? ›

Strengthens the potential in your and your team's Aura-reading abilities. Increases the radius of all Aura-reading abilities emanating from yourself or other Survivors by 8/12/16 metres.

What killer has no way out? ›

No Way OutExecutioner3.88
No Way OutDeathslinger3.87
No Way OutGhost Face3.87
No Way OutSkull Merchant3.84
18 more rows

What killer has Jolt? ›

Jolt, actually known as surge, is a demogorgon teachable, when he was removed it was converted to a general perk, with this update, it has been transitioned back to a teachable, therefore any character who does not have those perks already now cannot get them until demogorgon is levelled up.

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Iron MaidenWraith3.73
Iron MaidenHillbilly3.68
Iron MaidenXenomorph3.67
Iron MaidenNurse3.6
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Does distortion work against discordance? ›

Discordance can't be blocked by Distortion, lasts all match, and serves more than just that one function.

Which killer has Pop Goes the Weasel? ›

Pop Goes The WeaselSingularity4.25
Pop Goes The WeaselLegion4.24
Pop Goes The WeaselWraith4.24
Pop Goes The WeaselTrickster4.19
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What does the ring girl do in DBD? ›

The Onryō is a vengeful ghost imbued with the power of Nensha, The Onryō is able to silently and invisibly traverse the Realm, manifesting when she is ready to strike. , allow her to expose hidden Survivors, survey Generators, and hamper Repair progress.

What does Ghost Face Stalk do in DBD? ›

Power and perks

In this state, stalk individual Survivors to Mark them, leaving them Exposed and vulnerable to a one-hit down. Time your stalking process strategically to attack Survivors at opportune moments. A word of warning – Survivors can break the Night Shroud by catching extended sight of The Ghost Face.

What does flip flop do in DBD? ›

You have an uncanny ability to escape the inevitable. While in dying state, 50% of your recovery progression is converted into wiggle progression when you are picked up by The Killer, up to a maximum of 40/45/50% total wiggle progression.

What killer has dark devotion? ›

Dark DevotionXenomorph3.75
Dark DevotionGhost Face3.68
Dark DevotionClown3.65
Dark DevotionDeathslinger3.65
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Furtive ChaseChucky3.8
Furtive ChaseGood Guy3.75
Furtive ChaseDeathslinger3.62
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.