The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

s.t., 1944 Jf cccc an Jranrinrn Examiner 14 Jugheads Hollywood Chart's Copyright, 1916, by Triangle Publications, Dally Facing Form) FK1UAV, JINK IB SMTH. IIAV OF A9-IIAV Nl'MMKR MEETINU. WKATHMl I.KAKl TliACK FAST Phils Win In Tenth Empire City Results By Pioneer Newa Service. FIRST 6 funonga: 4 year olds and up. Parby Dingbat, 113 (Mntg) 3.30 2 .70 2 50 Conjuror, 113 (Donoso) 19.50 9.80 Don Chance, 106 5.40 Time, 1:11 Herodotus.

Chance Grey, Sea Convoy, Bobrlch, Buena Ventura, Inso-late, Slight Edge and Stormy also ran. SKCOM) 5 ft furlongs; 2 year olds. Ouatre Blanc, 115 (Zufelt) 4.90 3 80 2.50 Jeanne Belie 114 (McTague) 4.80 2 90 furlnniisi maidens! year lils purse fHOO; 3rd, 30(l 4th, 1 1 (Ml. By Good WEATHER CLEAR, POST IIME FOR FIRST RACE 1:00 Fair Mudder. Goou Mudder.

HACK Five and at hulf I O-i) S3, Olio, split. Winner, and, Index Owner Wt. PP. 6M7 633 7277 7269 7240 7i 71W) 70.18 7229 7246 Front Pae (C. Whitney! ..115 8 Dower Itliihts (L.

Mayer) ..115 9 Hens O. (Highland V. 115 12 Glory Sunn A. Hanabrouiih) 115 1 Minute (Natoma 8.) 110 7 (C.F.Jackson) ,...115 11 Ihatum (C. Thorpe) 115 8 Ima Clown (Van M.

A 115 4 Anna Fly (C. Houchln) ....115 10 Vlnas rem (Miss O.Green) ..115 3 Fare Foa (Mrs. Day) ..115 6 FIRST RACE. SIX FURLONGS; 3 year olds and upward; claiming (Miss Jo, Jo, Jessie's Beau, Zac'e Gal entered lor $5,0001 Discus, Loma Mar Kate for $4,5001 others, purse, $3,000. 10 8i 7'J 3" 3 6'J 4'i 2" 2 7, 5 8 4 2k 6 3s 21 4'' 1 4' 31 11 lis 8 11' 9 10" 61 7 6 10 10' 12 12 12 11 ( (Mrs.

O. Adams) ..115 3 5 1" 12 Vines Shoots 65 For Links liocorcl MONTREAL, June 28. (AP) Ellsworth Vines, the former tennis star from Chicago, blistered the back nine of the Bea-consfleld Golf Club course today with a scven under par 29 for a 65 and a new course record. Hut at the end of the day's play, he could claim only a tie for second place after the first thirty-six holes of the Canadian Open Golf Championship. Leader at the halfway mark was E.

J. "Dutch" Harrison. Harrison posted a 69 to add to his initial 68 for a score of 137 that put him one shot ahead of PHILADELPHIA, Juno 28. (AP) Catcher Andy Seminick hit his second homer in the tenth inning tonight to give the Phila delphia Phils a 7 to 5 victory over the New York Giants before 18, 004 and put the Phils near the top of the National League second di vision. Seminick had homered in the eighth with Del Ennis aboard to tie the score.

lime, 1:06. le avrand fast, MUTL'KLS PAID EQUIVALENT ODDS Front Fait 16.19 6.60 3.90 Front Page. 7.35-1 2.30-1 Dimer lights 3.40 2.60 Dower Itlgllta Bene Bene Winner, b. 2, by Carrier Plgeon-Crauneen; trained by L. T.

Ruff. At post 1 minute; off at 2:01. Start good, from gale. Won easily, second and third driving. FRONT PAGE was put to pressure on turn and coming out for drive reached contention quickly, cut over to and drew out through final furlong, and won with Horse.

Jockey. Wt. High Spirits Trent 115 Loma Mar Kate Proter 107 Dolly Dimples '105 Miss Jo Jo 110 Discus Gilbert 118 Old Dad Balaskl 109 Matchup Ranum '110X Zac's Gal Longden 110 Jessie's Beau Wall 115 On High 104 SECOND RACK SIX FURLO.NG.Si 3 year Mirror Lake entered for $4,000: Sierra Strummin Sam 118 Seven 0' Five 118 Lady Lake 116 First Admiral 118 Joe Burger 121X Sally Maedlc 111 Vegas Chance "HO Ragged Rascal 112 Sierra Gene 118 Scratched Mirror Lake. THIRD RACE ONE AND ONE EIGHTH (Napoo, Grasshopper II, Impregnable $3,1100. Index.

P.P. (727:2) 7 7.102 7254 6 7238 4 1 7310 3 1478 2 734 10 7254 8 7272 9 7208 4 (7.302) 7 7272 9 7312 6 721 3 7(X) 1 7223 8 7234 2 something to spare. DOWER RIGHTS aitnougn unanie to resist winner outgamed kkmi u. tor piace. Latter was snuniea hack on turn and came fast in final furlong.

GLORY SONG quickly disposed of G1NI LEE and took a short lead but was under pressure throughout and weakened. Jl'ST-A-MINUTE hung under sustained pressure. 8HA-BAK tired as If short. GINI LEE stopped badly UPATUM made a brief bid In stretch. Scratched War Moment, Snug Gams, Isleta.

Wagering $173,025. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA Play en AB.H.O.A.! PI vera AB.H.O.A. 4 0 () 2 3 14 0 Marshl.ct 4 4 3 0 5 13 4 Kfrr.m 3 0 13 Gilbert, rf 5 1 1 4 115 0 5 2 0 1 Lnihrdl.c 3 2 2 1 rubor 3b 5 13 2 I awing 0 0 0 0 Smlnlck.o 4 2 3 0 Rurker.rf 2 0 0 OWnfU.Jb 3 1 12 3 Gor.lnn.lf 5 2 11 Vergan.2b 3 14 5 (irahm.rf 2 0 2 0 Maunev.p 10 0 1 Cooper. 1 0 3 0 Ripple. 0 0 0 0 HiRny.3b 2 12 2 Sohans.p 0 0 0 0 Young 1 0 0 0 Judd 10 0 0 vVltek.3b 1 0 0 3, Karl, 10 0 0 Knnedy.p 1 0 0 1' Rosen 1 0 0 Ol Trinkle.p 1 0 0 Kraus.p 1 0 0 01 72fi8 3 Grasshopper II 117 5-2 Boasts a slight quality edge.

(7284) 4 His Nickel 'IIS 3 Off last should offer competition. (7260) 7 Impregnable 120 4 Might carry the weight. 7.300 2 King Albert 118 6 Cannot be counted out. 72M8 5 Horiion Trent 110 8 Has been fairly close In sprints. 7300 6 Vain Doctor 115 10 Best would be dangerous.

7220 1 Napoo Balaskl 117 10 Might go all the way. 7326" fK0.I HACK Six furlongs; Paulas Doll. Mnirle Neater, KxUen spill. Winner 2nd, 6S0; 3rd, 7232 Thall Pass (A.M.Koewler) 113 10 7287 Native Prlnre (A. Cowdell) 115 2 724S Ksljen (Miss Jelm) 109 11 7232.

(R.Esplnosa) .,..113 6 7237 Fstrella Asul (LanghansiL.) 110 12 7237 Aunt Ida (Deerwood 8. F. 111 3 7231 Paulas Doll (Melody Ranch) 106 6 7230 Slnsle Seater (W.E.Boeing) 109 7 7287 Kagle Parade (E.Forext) ....107 4 7119. Gal (J.J.Elmore) ..114 8 7230 Roy slrkle (Mrs. Grollnek) 110 9 6188 Malda Maid (A.

Simpson) ..110 1 Xlme, ttt, Clear and i MCTL'ELS PAID Thall Tass 4.30 3.39 1.80 Native Prince 35.00 16.60 Exljen 8.40 FOURTH RACK SIX FURLONGS; 3 year olds and upward; claiming (Irish Bay, Tie Score entered lor Llgarotito, Shuffle Toe, others, purse, $3,500. Winner, br. 3, by By Pass II-Challenca, trained by A. M. Koewler.

At post 4 Paris Hygro liy 8 Mon-O-Haste 116 5 Truckee Balaskl 113 3 Llgarotito Corbett 118X 6 a Tie Score Swlgart '103 7 Reddy Mattloli 113 2 The Plainsman 113 8 Shuffle Toe 118 1 a Irish Bay Neves 113X minute; ott at 2:311. start good, trom CHALL PASS always within striking and wearing down NATIVE PRINCE In midstrttch drew slowly clear. NATIVE PRINCE was rusnea to rront soon after start, aavea pressure, caijuim was on tns outside much V1A-OVEK moved Into contention with a rush a-San Luis Stable entry; b-W. O. G.

Mayer entry. Totals 36 10 29 14' Totals 36 10 30 16 Kew York Philadelphia .000 103 ICO 05 300 020 2 (10 Innlngsi. Blattner, Marshall, Mile, Lswlngs, Gordon, Ennis, Tabor, Seminick 3, Plnges Verpen. Srlianz 2 Newsome 1. RBI Gordon 2.

Verbann Wyrostek 2. Semi nick 4. 2B Marshall. HR Seminick 2. PR Maunev 2 Schans 1.

Kennedy 3. Ripple 1, Trlnkle 1. Kraus 1. Karl 1 FO Kennedy i. Trlnkle 1, Mauney 1.

Schanx 1, Krause 1. VP Karl. LP jtraus. Dixie Walker Hero BROOKLYN, June 28. (AP) Veteran Dixie Walker continued his clutch hitting today to lead the pace setting Brooklyn Dodgers to a 3-1 victory over the Boston Braves in a contest that was halted for thirty-eight minutes at the end of the fifth inning because of rain and darkness.

thereafter. ESIKELLA AZUL had a rough trip. AUNT IDA made up ground Deiatedly HAIDA MAID ault. EAGLE PARADE was sharply shut off nearlng far turn and taken up, was never a factor thereafter. oot Xjooss, ttoman Home, wagering 9204.U29.

r70O'7TH'K" HACK Neven furlongs; I Otu I entered for 6,000 ethers $7,000) 2nd, S7TI0; 3rd, K.IMl 4th, $116. 3 Vines and two other professionalsGeorge Fazio of Los Angeles and Gordon Brydson of Toronto. Vic Ghezzi, whose 66 In the opening round stood as the course record for less than twenty-four hours, faded badly today to a two-over-par 74 for 140. Keller's 17th Defeats A's NEW YORK, June 23. (AP) Charley Keller belted his seven teenth home run of the year with one on in the eighth inning to night to break a 1-1 tie and spark the New York Yankees to a 4-1 victory over the Philadelphia Athletics before 20,077 fans.

PHILADELPHIA SEW YORK Player AB.H. O.A.t Player AB.H.O.A. Derry.lf 4 13 4 2 2 3 3 10 3 Henrlch.rf 3 3 112 0 Keller.lf 4 4 1 0' 2 llJohnn.3b 3 3i Lindell. lb 4 4' Gordon, 2b 3 0, Robinson, 3 1 Bevens, 3 0 Rosar.c 4 0 Majskl.3b 4 0 Suder.2b 4 2 Stnbck.rf 4 1 Mrchldn.p 3 0 Savage, 0 0 Totals 33 7 24 12! Totals 29 9 27 8 Philadelphia New York .000 001 0001 .000 010 03x 4 P. Perry.

Hennch. Keller. IMMacRlo, Gordon. Lindell. RBI Rlzzuto, Keller 2, Lindell.

2B Riiiuto. Hall. HR Keller. BB Bevens 1, Marchlldon 4. SO Bevens 6, Machlldon 2, Savape 1.

LP Marchlldon. Tigers Blanked ST. LOUIS, June 28 (AP) On Denny Galehouse'e six scat tered hits and an eight-run eighth-inning rally, the St. Louis Browns shut out the Detroit Tigers, 90, tonight. PKTItOIT Player AB.H.

ST. 1.01 IS O.A.I Player AB.H. A. 7294 Joey B. (H.Beairy) 117 2 5 l'i 1 1' l1 1" Ranum 7.95 7295 War Gallant (Market Stable) 116 1 5" 6', 4 4 2" Chjnckl 24.70 7292 althndes Flag (Mrs.

Curland) 119 9 4 4' 3' 3h 3'i Trent 1.15 6872 Foot Free (W. E. Boeing) ..116 8 1 21 2' 2' 2' 41! Neves 7.70 6424 a II rave Marine (Mrs. Reznlck) 118 4 9 9 8 6'i 6 5" Corbett 1.15 7292 Block to Block (T.Smith) ..118 7 7 8' 9 8i 6' Hlgley 20.90 7294 Little Delph (Mrs. Gordon) 116 6 2 6i" 4" 5 5i 7', Skornski 4.30 7295 Marunap (Brloso Stable) 118 6 3 3 7id 7M 8 8 Longden 10.55 7295 Ellssa B.

(Mrs. A. Bneed) ..114 3 8 7j 6, 9 9 9 Pedersn 8.50 FIFTH RACE SEVEN FURLONGS) 3 (7251) 6 They Say Longden 119 7273 3 Paper Chase. Ranum 103 7299 Hasta La Vista Swlgrt '103 7299 1 Widows 114 (7228) 3 Venus De 11)8 7179 4 V-Boy Neves 113 SIXTH RACE SIX FURLONGS; 4 year purse $4,000. (7306) 5 Ramayana Trent 115 724 9 7 Freedom Ring '109 7297 2 Lasting Peace Skrnskl 109 72H7 3 Stargino Pederson 114 7291 8 Red Ear Longden 124 7282 6 Orion Zufelt 114 7211 1 Frllure Corbett 109 (5619) 4 Valdlna Streak.

Balaskl 114 SEVENTH RACE SIX FURLONGS; I Stakes; purse $25,000 added. (7275) 10 Stepfather Westrope 122 7275 6 7275 1 Don Conejo 117 1 Arjuna Wall 117 3 Hemet Squaw Zufelt 119 4 shim Malone Neves 117 9 a Hubble Bubble. Balaskl 114 8 On Trust 117 2 Stirrup Cup 117 5 Sparky Cannon 117 11 Cold Roll Corbett 114 (7235) (7293) 7.XI1 7.305 7275 7275 7235 (7264) 7 a Fly Pere Trent 114 a R. C. Elsworth entry, J.

G. EIGHTH RACE ONE AND ONE EIGHTH year year Mayer Time. :45, 1:10, 1 Clear and fast. Brave Marine claimed by T. Smith for J7.000.

Foot Free claimed by Highland View Farm for $7,000. Winner entered for $7,000. a-Mr. and sirs. P.

Keznkk-Mrs. H. Curland entry. Bt. Str.

Fin. Jockey Odds 3'i Gilbert 7.35 2t Westropa 1.35 Lonurten 4.80 1 Chlnackl 4-55 5'1 Ranum 17.85 6' Pedersn 74.35 71 Trent 17.90 SI 9 10 Jl 12 Skrnskl 74.0 Balaskl 8 95 Zufelt 1S9.S0 Corbett 201.80 Neves 66 85 made a bold bid turning Into stretch and 3 year olds; claiming (fa*glei Parade, entered for H3.000I othera 14,000) purse 2HSi 4th, $140. 2 6 lhl 1 7" 10.... 8', 3.... 9 2i lli 4H.I 7 lid lh4 l'i Longden 1.15 2 Chjnckl 83.10 3i Wall 10.45 2 3, I 4 hd Saunders 6.00 51 Bena 33.95 6'i Hlgley 20.60 7' Trent 3.80 8, Bwlgart 78.25 9-i Pedersn 61.35 101 Balaskl 44.50 1 1 1 Guzzeta 40.35 12 Skrnskl 10.65 8'l 11 10, 10" 6i 9 11 5'1 8 hi 5 5' 71 7 6hd 11" 12 "4 3" 3" 9, 12 12 12 Hi 8 2, 10 fast.

EQUIVALENT ODDS Thall Pnss 1.15-1 Native Prince 6.HO-1 Exijrn 1.70-1 gate, won all driving. distance closed steadily turning Into stretch grouna ana neia on rainy wen unqer ol tne way and was going wen at ena. on turn but could not Improve position Bcratched Wave 0 Glory, Miss Delivery, year olda and up; claiming (Saranap purse $3,600, split. Winner, EQUIVALENT ODDS Joey 1.95-1 3.85-1 1.00-1 War Gallant 10.45-1 2.60-1 a-Khodea Flag Tryst; trained by H. Beasy.

At post 1 won an driving, saving ground soon after start, had speed held on stubbornly and just lasted. WAR lirst nignt inrougnoui ana coming out lor hung when put to hard drive In linai fur gate; won all driving. grouna ana, nnaing an opening next handling and. getting to front a short at end. Latter was sent Into contention 4 ha 31 2' 1 Skronski 8.10 11" 6i 2' I Prater 10 25 64 6h 4W 3h'i Longden 2.90 9 2i 1 5" 8'i 8' 4 Westrpe Z1 ii.

lhJ 3 61 Gilbert 37.55 71 Saunders 1.25 74 8J Trent 22.40 9' 91 Neves 43 40 71 6' 11" 10 3i 71 10J Ranum 43.00 12 12 11 111 Balaskl 31.75 gM 91U 12 12 Pedersn 77.80 fast. EQUIVALENT ODOS Paiilaa Ace 8.10-1 4.00-1 2.06-1 Piiiilas Lurk 4.05-1 2.05-1 Ravelled Blue trained by H. L. Daniels. Went to post year olds np allowances.

Purse 3rd, $100; 4th, $200. BOSTON BROOKLYN' Player AB.H.O.A.I Plaver AB.H.O.A. fuller. sa 5 2 12 8lanky.2b 3 0 4 2 2 18 0 Lvgtto.3b 3 2 4 2 Holmes, rf 4 12 1 Relaer.lf 3 0 2 1 J.itwhlr.lf 4 110 Walker.rf 4 2 10 McCmk.lf 1 0 0 0 Stevens. lb 3 0 7 1 Masl.e 3 0 6 0 10 0 0 Padgett, 0 0 10 4 0 4 0 ninwtr cf 4 0 10 Reese.

as 2 12 3 Frndz.Sb 3 0 0 3 Edwards. 10 3 1 Ryan 2b 2 14 0 Lombrdi.p 3 0 0 2 Saln.p 1 0 0 3l Whlte.p 0 0 0 iopp 10 0 0 Totals 30 6 24 9i Totals 27 5 27 12 $2 MLTUELS PAID Joey 11.90 9.70 4.00 War Gallant 22.90 7.20 a-Ithod. Flag 2.60 Winner, br. 5, by Flying Scot-Loxe minute; off at 3:02. Start good, from gate.

JOEY B. was hustled to front while In pacemaklng and roused In final furlong GALLANT was In hand to far turn then closed steadily between horses through stretch ana was gaining, khudks flag was In drive also finished strongly. FOOT FREE long. BRAVE MARINE had no mishaps. BLOCK TO BIOUK.

raced very wide on backstretch. EL1SSA B. raced wide and lacked speed in a dull effort. Scratched U. S.

Salute, Gold Boom, Boston Maid, Montanes. Wagering $251,389. (Blueberry Pl entered for others, $8,000) purse $4,000. 7QOQ FOI KTH RACK Five and a half furlongs) year olds; allowances. Purse lOfaO S.l.nno, split! Winner.

2nd, $600: 3rd, $300: 4th. $150. 7293 Silver Leader (Arrowhead 8.) 120 5 8 9'J 81 3l 1" Balaskl 30.20 W. L. Sickle (W-L Ranch) 108 3 7 4J 2" 2i 2" Trent 5.25 7275 Paeolma Lad (I.D.Parker) 117 2 4 It l'J 3 Zufelt 27.10 7305 little Jeff (A.Drumheller) 117 11 1 8' 7M 7" 4' Neves 2.60 7269 False Note (Mrs.

Luellwitz) 117 10 11 10" 9 8 5 Westrpe 14.35 7293 General Rule A.Leacoulle) ..117 7 9 6'6 6' 6 Pedersn 16.55 6615 Grey skies (C, V. Whltnev) ..117 4 6 1M 3 4J 7' Ollbert 6.00 7293 Madams Fury (S. Hamblen) 111 8 2.... 2" 4 6' 8J Hlgley 37.60 7275 Fx Parte (George Brent) ...117 6 12 12 11' 10 9 Skrnskl 15 00 (7253) Golfing Girl (Arcadia Stable) 106 9 5 7" 10' 11" lO" Ranum 45.55, (7277) Trlskelllon (Circle S. St.) 120 12 3 5' 5" 9d Wall 15.95 7264 Tlgeroy (Mrs.

Grollnek) ...114 1 10 12 12 12 Longden 3 65 Time Clear, track fait. MUTIELS PAID EQUIVALENT ODDS Silver Leader 62.40 21.80 13.20 Silver Leader 9.95-1 6.60-1 W. L. Mckle 8.60 6.10 W. L.

eilrkle 3.30-1 2.35-1 Parrlha 13.60 Pacolma I 8.80-1 Winner, gr. 2. by Silver Cord-Style Leader; trained by E. H. J.

8haw. Went to post at 3:34, off at 3:35. 8tart good, from SILVER LEADER was outrun early, rail turning Into stretch, milled under atrone: distance from wire, outgamed BICKLE saved 2 4 4 0 8 1 0 1 Berdlno 2b 5 3 0 3 1 0' 4 3 2 1 2 0 Heath. If 5 14 0 9 1 Laabs rf 4 12 0 0 1 4 2 3 0 0 0 Bchulti.c 10 6 0 3 3i Heir 0 0 10 0: 4 10 3 7 0 Galehae.p 3 111 Finale By Abe Kemp With the $3,000 San Francisco Pacing Derby at a mile and one eighth as the featured attraction, the twenty-five day Grand Circuit harness meeting sponsored by the Pacific Coast Trotting Association comes to a close this afternoon at Bay Meadows. While the field for this richest event of the meeting is confined to six entries, it has drawn the best pacers left, including the undisputed side wheeling cham pion, Guest Star.

With youthful Jimmy Cruise again in the seat, Guest Star should be able to outfoot such as Rollie Mc I Win, Mannister Direct, Dick Mack, Queen Anna belle and June Gray. Two marathons at a mile and one half are also down for a decision, making the program in its entirety an attractive, as well as an alluring one. Wagner Victor In Not Tourney Hal Wagner, Bay Counties singles champion, continued his march in the northern California tennis championship singles yes terday with a 6-1, 5-7, 6-4 victory over Howard Morehouse Julius Heldman blasted Jim Kroesen and Cecil Alloo from the tourney and today will meet Larry Dee, who downed Bob Shephard and George Kraft yes terday. Yesterday's results: Men's slncles Ray Erlckson A. Dr A.

Crane. 4- 6-1, 6-2; Julius Heldman d. Jim Kroe.ien, 6-2. 6-4 Howard More house d. Charles Larkln, 8-4, 5-7, 7-5; Larry Pee d.

GeorKe Kraft. 4-6. 6-1. 6-3 Larry Dee d. Bob Slienliard.

6-2. 8-6 Julius Heidman d. Cecil Alloo. 6-2, 9-7; riarom vv aener n. Howard Morenouse.

6-1 5-7, 6-4; Al Fllegner d. Ray Erlckson, o-o. tvj. Junior veterans' doubles Bob Ian and John Murlo d. Martin Kenneally and Hersche Hvde.

6-2. 9-7: Georce Greene and Lewis Hall d. Charles Larkln and George nice. B-4. 7-a.

Women's singles Betty Mae Cohn d. Audrey Bartholomew. 8-2, 6-0; Betty inompson i. iernice toss. b-z.

e-a: Lou Gates d. Ruth Yokela, 6-3, 6-3; Betty inompson n. neity tonn, B-. Junior veterans' singles John Murlo d. Larry Hall, 6-3, 6-2; George Rice d.

J. A. Crane, 6-8. 6-3. 6-1.

Boys' singles Ernest DuBray d. Whitney Reed. 6-2. 7-5. Junior boys' doubles Jerry DeWlttj and Jim Gallagher d.

Fred Rodgera and Dean Blanchard, 6-1. 6-0. TODAY'S SCHKIIVLE 9:30 Jackson-Huebner vs. DuBray-Reed. 10:00 Bea? Springer vs.

Elizabeth Rhoads; Pflster-Grenfell vs. Erl-kson-Kraft; Lorraine Stelnfeld vi. Marilyn Stevens. 11:00 DeWltts vs. Huebner; Kllllan-Lou Gates or Mosko-Betty Mae Cohn vs.

Larkln-Bernlce Fross or Adams-Jane Vogel 12:00 Fllegner vs. Wagner; Pflst'er-Bea Springer vs. Shephard-Marlan Murlo: Pel-latreau-Hoogs vs. winner Hall-Alloo vs. Morsehouse-Young.

1:00 DuBray vs. DeWltts; Dee vs. Heldman. 3:00 DeWltts-Gallagher vs. winner Jackson-Huebner vs.

DuBray-Reed 6:00 Lattlg-Oodsey vs. Greene-Hall Babe Loses Golf Match DES MOINES, June 28. (AP) A rebounding "Georgia Peach," 22 year old Louise Suggs of Near Atlanta, blasted the bid of muscular Babe Didrikson Zaharias for a third straight title with a brilliant 1 up victory today In the semi-finals of the women's western open golf tournament. Patty Berg of Minneapolis outlasted Dot Kirby' of Atlanta, 1 up, in the other semifinal. The 115 pound Miss Suggs had Mrs.

Zaharias three down at the turn but Babe took the next three holes and sank an eighteen foot putt on the fifteenth to take the lead for the first ime. Then Mrs. Zaharias' putter went awry. She blew a three footer on the sixteenth and a four footer on the seventeenth, losing both holes and going one down. Then she lost her final chance by muffing a four footer on the final hole, which was halved.

nine yesterday when Oakland's nament and match game record although in the sixty-three games he spread over the Bay Area and Traveling Leagues, he had a 193 composite average. Allen "Baby" Dahl did it again Thursday night In the Bagdad Far Western when he plastered the maples for games of 234, 212, 248694 easily to surpass Bob Ramsay's 657 for the lead in the senior singles Thursday night H. Scarsolla of Richmond went into third with 652. Only other changes saw Rudy Ponikvar take ninth in junior all events with Palace Market of Richmond and Richmond Rec take fifth and ninth respectively in the Junior team show with 2,671 and 2,633. The Far Western comes to a climax today and tomorrow.

So does the Los Angeles Airways singles while the Mid-State at Fresno goes Into the semifinal round. Chance TRACK FAS M. 0 Superior Mudder. Apprentice Allowance, P.O Comment. 5-2 Boasts a slight quality edge.

4 Promise shown the other day. 4 Throw out last, overmatched. 6 Cannot be counted out. 6 Has fair outside chance. 8 Tried and found wanting.

10 May catch this one later. 20 Has had many better chancea. 20 Can back up In a hurry. 20 Can't see any hope. olda and upward; claiming (Rugged Rascal, Gent, $4,500) others, purse, 3 4 5 6 8 8 8 12 A race to works good enough.

Beginning to show Improvement. Speedy, may stick it out. Loomed up the other day. Weight may anchor this one. Speedy, but shortlived.

May catch this one later. One race In dope gives chance. Can't see any hope. 30 MILES; 4 year olds and upward: claiming entered for $4,000: others, $5,000) 1 purse, 2 4 4 4 6 8 Speedy, should lead all the way. Troubled In last, will Improve.

May catch leaders tiring. Will be much aid to stablemate. Morning trials very impressive. One race In dope gives chance. Must come from far back.

More distance would fit better. Fair on off-track in Mexico. 10 10 6 olds; allowances; purse $4,500. 2 Capable of taking and keeping lead. 5-2 Worked like a wild horse.

4 Leaders better not get late. 4 Inclined to stop under pressure. 6 Tough spot but willing. 20 Top two pretty tough. olds and up; Class allowances! 3 4 4 6 6 6 It) Now racing in rare form.

Speedy; may take lead and keep It. Appears best of the others. Best would be dangerous. Carrying heavy load; might stop, Appears to have trained olf. Asked to do a big job.

Probably needs a race or two. 20 olds; bred In California; The Hagtia 5-2 Repetition of last good enough. 4 Moved up last trip with blinkers. Appears best of remainder. Cannot be counted out.

Has an outside chance. May be meeting too mucn speed. Must come from fHr back. Has had a better chance. Must improve a lot.

Asked to do a big job. 4 6 6 8 20 10 20 20 8 Must depend on stablemate. W. G. Gilmore entry.

MILES: 4 year olds and nn! claiming 3 4 6 6 Troubled In last outing. Throw out last; can do better. Had two tighteners; ready now. May catch leaders tiring. May find distance a bit far.

Will be closing strongly. Weight may anchor this one. Picked low but has a chance. 6 8 10 10 LONGSHOT HORIZON. Hay McshIows llaiidicafi (Graded In order of handlcapperg preference FIRST 1 mile: IK har Irnt: P.P.

Great Leaf (Walker) Guy Seymour iVall) Gale Patch (Rodman) 3 4 5 5 5 8 10 10 10 reter valentine Margo W. Hansen Judge Pegasus Forbes Strader Kewanee Pat Sam Patch Maxey Leaf (Camirand 1 1 (Brady) (Shetler) (Knight I RvHmiiQf 1 Pegasus McElwyn SECOND Hi miles; 11 bar trot: Richmond Spencer Hy lur (Boardman) 3 3 4 5 5 8 8 10 3 4 2 5 a 10 10 2 3 4 5 5 8 10 3 3 4 5 5 8 10 4 2 5 5 .3 8 Kouroon Abbey Windsor Guy Vlsalla Mac Truxie Volo Bengal Lancer Rustic Chimes (Curtis) (Hansen Mouw (Mllleson) 1 Shepherd Smallwood) 1 2 hn nar staoie Mate THIRD 1V4 miles; G. D. Woollen (Reeves) In Command (Burton) I'enny (Shepherd) Royal Gale (McCllmans) Ginger Grattnn (Hutler) Dominion Hedgewood Knarlle ICrulse) Nut-U-Mlte (Short) Tennessee Joe iiayt 0 1 rade Pace: 8 Miss May (Hansen) 5 J.rlMC0 McKay 1 Tally Ho (Roberts) 7 (Wagner) 7 J.ooper Lee (Burton) 3 rankle Dale (Cruise) 4 Abbey Cash 4 Dutch Harbor A Klaus iror: 3 Errol Hanover 2 Mr. Eddlemon 5 Palomln 1 La Vitesse 7 Proficient 6 Sarah Abbe SIXTH 5 furlongs Arcnl (Boardman (Cannon 1 Davis) (co*ckroft (Cruise) (Page) grade A (rot: 1 1 Tavlor) Full Bloom Scotch Colleen (Boardman) Scotch Goddess (Oshnrn I 7 Guv MrE wvn srviv-rii 1 ki hoc pace Marlatt 1 3 2 4 5 5 8 Maxey Woollen Volo Tempkln Hollyrood Gary Hal Frisco Swindle Sheet Vo.o Abbe Scotia Klne Ahhe fBeneflcld) (Chantellls) (Cannon) (Chambers) (Hansen (Taylor) Slinrf 1 JO 10 14 miles; S.F.

pacing derby: 1 Guest Star 4 Dick Mack 5 Queen Annabclle 6 June Gray 3 Mannister Direct 2 Rnille Mc I Win Rest bet Gueur Rfa ruise 1 1-5 3 5 1 Reeves) 2 (Dennis) 8 (Hllllgoss) 10 Chance Bet Scotch Colleen 18. iy Meadows A 14 'Ml MS FIRST R.ACfc one mile; pace; 3 year Black Lacey (Celdeburg) Bay Leaf Avou) 8.50 4.60 4.80 3 00 .) 411 i-oKan i-omter Time: 2:13. 1 Shank) mi a-Dollle Leota. a-Lamov'no, and IIav I au Catherine Black si rs H. Ruben find Allh.n anfrv i mne; pace, 20 bar; 3 year olds up: purse $600: Dillon Primrose (Hansen) 5.40 3.70 3.20 Colonel lledgewood (Stepro) 3.40 3.HO Delia Adson (Hllllgoss I 4 10 Time, 3:12 Don Nora Rosecroft, Golden Gate Calumet Do also ran.

Tlllltll rn mil rn. 17 olds ami up- purse $600: 0 Top Of The Mark (Cox I .29.60 12 SO R-RCI Billy Hanover 5.60 3 0 Red Leaf 1 Brewer) 3 me 2:16 IVnrlliv T.n. Leon Forbes, f-Enster f-Maln A. also started, f-fleld. M)l IITH 1 mile: pace.

16 bar; 3 year olds up; purse SSO0: Patricia Tass Reeves) 11.70 5 60 5 00 Harvey King (Boardman) 5 90 3 10 f-Mary Castleton (Cckrft) 3 eo Time. 2:09. Royal Mall. Patchen Abbe. Western Blackout.

Bob Frisco. China f-L. B. Woollen, f-Sunset Susan also ran. f-Fleld.

FIFTH 1 mile: trot, 13 bar; 3 year omih un purse ouu Earls Katydid Hill 13.10 5.70 3 00 Holly Leone (Reeves) a in cr. June Vonlan (Ttlden) 3411 Time. Frances Dawn. Phoenix, Mls.i Peter Scot also ran. SIXTH 1 mile: tiare 14 hari- 1 v.a olda tip: purse $600: nreeze on Hrewer (Field) .8.70 3 30 2 00 Denny (Shepherd) 3.00 2 60 Llla's Brewer (Crusle) 3 70 Time, 2:00 4, Billy Blngen, Naf-U-Mlte, Angus Worthy, Jay C.

f-Mark Leaf, f-Mnnners Mso ran f-Fleld, SEVENTH Five 1ft har. 1 venr old. nn nnrca Frisco MeKar Chntelols 1 10.30 6 40 5 70 A. Harrison (Walker) 13 50 10 7i De-Luxe Siskiyou (Brdn) 7.90 me: 1:17. Skeet.

Nanrv Dan C.rat. tan. Leap Vear Express and Cash Abbey also ran. EIGHTH -1 trot. 14 bar: 3 vins olds; purse $600: Slim Patz-h (Taylor) 6.

70 3.10 2. SO Tempo 4.60 3 20 iincafiier Hanover i Hansen i Time. 2:10. Lela Scot, P.nhv Glow. Mary Ann Worlhv.

Carlle Lee. f-Charies Halt. f-J'idge Pegasus slso started. f-Fleld. Total dally wagering early, had speed, and finished stoutly between norses.

rawijiA i-au shook OREY SKIES after half, drifted out slightly with a short lead In stretch, and hung near end. LITTLE JEFF was going well at end. GREY SKIES gave way under steady pressure. MADAME FURY raced well for a half mile. TIGEROY bore out badly on far turn, but was not In contention at time and was distanced In stretch.

Scratched Butter Wafer, The Hound, Roman Carnival, Gold Qlrl, Wagering $258, 703. 7QOQ FIFTH RACE Six furlongs; 3 year olds, foaled In California) allowances, 104 3 Purse $3,250, split: Winner, 2nd. $660; 3rd. 4th, $166. Lumpkin, 107 (Comliest i 2.7c Time.

Asalder. Tiara Nar clans, Ben De Haven, uncie Cecil, Play ouine una inaner rai also ran. Tlllltl) 6 furlongs; 3 year olds. Irish Count. 118 Delara 9.00 4.70 3.10 Momeak, 108 (Woodhouse).

8.90 4.60 Steel Relgh, 108 2.70 lime, pondshen, Run Lady Heths Bomb Mama Fufu. Hasty Blue, Homespun, stage Bet, Ferry Command, Hex Komanus and 'Jingle Bells also ran lein. rtil iith furlongs: 4 year olds up: Darby Delilah, 118 (Wilson) 8.40 3 .30 2 50 Paper Mill 120 (E. Ouerln) 4.20 3 40 Comanche Peak. 115 (Krkld) 3.80 Jims, j-d.

(sonsky, ebndge, Bupro, vencerrc also run. FIFTH 11-16 miles: 3 vear olds: Buy and Sell, 116 A.Delra) 8.80 3 .60 3.30 Jolly Soul, 118 (C.McCreary) 3.00 2.50 Pickpocket. 117 (P. Miller) 4.30 iime. a-rirsi reDbie.

The Prob lem, ronar. a-nest ureas also ran a-Orange Stable-Louisiana Farm entrv. SIXTH 1A miles: 4 year olda and un Right Happy, 114 Mehrtna 7.80 5.00 4.40 Flying Fort. 114 (P. Miller) 7.20 4.90 Eye For Eye.

114 (Woodhse) 5 80 Tims, 1:53 (cloudy and fast). Yankee Raider, Ahamo, Spartacus, Bulrush also rail. SEVENTH 111 miles- 4 vr M. a Nebraska. 117 (Arcaro) 3.90 3 00 2.30 hipped Cream, 108 (M'Cr.

8.40 3 40 Valdlna Lord. 114 (Jessop) 2.70 iime: 1:544. which cup, Jaclan, Stager, and Topsy Rose also ran. Empire City Entries Weather clear, track fast. FIRST 51 furlongs; 2 year olds.

R-Mlsa Reckless. 115 Dulcla 115 Fire Bomb A 115 Grindella 113'Alrenla 115 Queens Rook 115 wu n.nai a -J. B. Then 11 entry. SKCOM) ft furlnni-a- It vnr nidi Bohol 115 Edified 115 Little Ann .115 inotime Benign Rains Came ,.110 Rose Halran ,.115 Star Respite ,.115 Darby Devon ..110 ..110 ..110 Corn Llkker 1131 THIRD A furlnncs- .1 veae nlrfs Tlmequest 113i Lycos 122 Menu 122 uaroy Diagram.

1 1 vassallo 12: Sopranlst 1211 FOtltTH 6 furlongs; 3 year olds. Medal lis Mother India ...113 Rytlna 121lMatruh 113 Elbow Room Bid 122 Alstlmu 1181'Olad Time. ....117 ririii j. j-io mnea; 3 year olds, VUnflelda 116 Islam Prince ...116 Salerno HS Mldnlght Oil ...116 Bonnie Beryl 121 do courageous 110 SIXTH 1 1-16 miles: 3 year olda UB. Blue Badge Wolf, 114 114 114 liquidator 114 Afreet Jousting Match.

114-Carysfort Economical 121i 'Sunder Show stopper 109 Polyphase Flare Skirt ,109 'Chance Morn Pompalade- 114'Cold Scotch tBeau Quest Mater Broadway Joe Gal 109 109 116 114 104 109 SEVENTH 1 3-18 miles; 4 yr. olds un. His Jewel lOtila-Oatmeal 116 upemng cia no, 1'lnuus 12 Bontlre I06.a-Ayahs Boy ...117 umamax xuoj a-I. Bieber-Mrs. E.

D. Jacobs entry. 5 pounds apprentice allowance claimed. t7 pounds apprentice allowance claimed Suffolk Downs Results By Pioneer Newa Service. FIRST 6 furlongs: 4 vr.

olds nn Mad Sadie. 106 (H. Keene). 25.80 9.20 5 60 Pilates Own. 118 (W.Warrnj 4.60 3180 Thrax, 111 (C.

Ricks) 7 so Time. 1:12 4-5. Royal Die. House Quest. Red And Black, Saratoga Polly.

Vleio. Res olution. Peace Light, Hagar, New Dealer also run. SECOND 6 furlongs: 4 vear olds nn Buckle Up. 108 (H.

Keene) 10.40 4.60 3.60 Her Answer, 106 (R.J.Mrtn) 11.40 6 80 Stormy Bill, 111 A.Danlels) 740 Time. 1:13 1-5. Dancing Fire, Eric rwiignt, space. Dress Boot. Grand Dav Rx Herod, Dorotny Me, Mettlesome aiso ran.

THIRD 6 furlongs: 4 vear olds and uo Wake Robin. Ill (H. Keenel6.00 4.20 3.40 sun Talk, 114 (T. Meloche) 9.40 6.80 Agronomist. Ill (C.Durando) 10 00 Time.

1:12 2-5. Mattle Sue Not Tnmor. row. wemne, Marco, acotcti Trap also ran FOURTH 51A ft vr Sun Doggie. 107 (F.

Zehr) 8.d0 4.00 3.40 iwo, liu (it. Slstol 3.80 3 00 Player Lee. 105 (F.McOown) 6.40 lime. 1:07. Dream nc.

menu oift. Minor Prophet. Boilers Ann, Janaan Miss Marietta. Bimiss also ran. FIFTH 0 furlongs: 4 venr ntria nrM iin Ellen Mist.

103 (Keene) 85.0(1 .14 an 14 4ii Hearth Broom. 108 (Gvt) 9.00 4 80 Bright Signal, 103 (Cahg) 3. 00 Time: 1:12 Ask Aunt Ada. Carmel-town, Valdina Craft, Son of Tarra. Sky Lark.

Fox Master, Ileyhorta, Nell A. and Four Queens also ran. SIXTH 1 116 miles; 3 year olds ft up: Link. 117 23. 40 7.

80 5 40 Creepln, 115 6.40 3 40 war Glenn, 110 (Meenani 3.20 Time: Mai. Oxford Blue. Val. dlna Vicar, We.itwood Belle. Umbrlago.

Darby Diadem, Brass Man and Old Union also ran. 'Finished second, dlsaualifled and Disced mirn. SEVENTH 1 1-18 miles: 3 vear olds Fearless. 117 F. Maschk 1 07.20 33.

fio 13.40 Queen Isabella, 104 (Kne) 7.20 4.40 Jeems, 117 R. Klstol 3.60 Time. 4-5 pure silk. Anveit, Shavo. Mug La Patlca.

Happy Pot, Flysolate, Tetra Fettle also ran EIGHTH 4 year olds up: Gunbearer, 109 (Keene) 6.40 3 20 2.S0 Sha-whan, 102 3.60 2.80 Justinian II, 110 (Manley) 3.20 Time 1:46. Gray Syngo, Cruiser, Call nienow also ran. Suffolk Downs Entries Clear and fast. FIltST 6 furlongs; 4 year olds, upward; Soverton 1111 Heat Wave ....113 Abrego Ill Henry Payne ...111 Ml Anaml 1171 'Which Ace ....108 IHego Red Day 106 Hex 1111. Miss Advice ....108 Vim llllKengar 116 Listing 10SI Easy Quero ....116 Airy Goer 1131 SUCO.M) 6 furlongs; 3 year olds: Rum Stick lllitFlag Drill 113 Liberation 1141 'Paper Clip ....112 Chevalier .1121 Tim 117 Prince Favor lOtii Chance Player .,114 Arrows Away ,.117 Pretty Hands ..106 Mv Willow lOfi Tree Fly 109 Captain Bono The River ..117 Prognosis 1121 THIRD 1 116 miles; 4 yr.

oldg and up; Jenkins KlDi tone Look 102 Ladys Orphan 1.1 Barnacle 114 Singular 1 131 'Little Hoops ..115 Brevrome 1071 nil ItTH 8 furlongs; 3 yr. olds and tip Windmill 114 Hv Charlie 110 Shiny Penny Hlllyer Court Jog Agnes a-S. Garfield FIFTH 5 Oldenasal Mango Chick Sllee Herble Rube .1 16 'Respire 109 .118 Air 1'atrol 114 entry, furlongs; 2 year olds: 117 114End Of Strife ..114 Runner .110 114 Mel Eppley ....117 Hi)1 Black Knave .,..117 Carroll entry a-R. B. SIXTH 1 110 miles; 4 yr.

olda and up Llnwood Jim Flag ....114 Take Away 1 14' tKloat Me 110 Broke Even B. Yye ....115 Dinner Party 1201 Wast Fleet 120 Bill Hardev 104 SEVENTH 1 1-16 miles; 3 vr, olds tin: Hoy Soldier 120! Air Beautv ....112 Chow 1121 Olvmple Zenith .114 a-lncomlng 1 2nl 'Unkn'n Reward 112 Pompngle 106' 'Patriotism ....106 Hero Mine lUISlender l.ndv ...104 c-Kendor Ill) a-Sky Skipper ..117 Halbarall 10!) c-Rlenban 101) a-Mrs. D. B. Miller entry; c-Mrs.

T. M. Holllngswnrth-McCarthv-Gavegnano entry, EIGHTH 1 18 miles; 4 yr. olds, up: Her Reply 1071 a-For Granted ..106 Hemfox 1 1 1' 'Vegas Wheel ...115 Valdlvla .......120 -8lbsla lOOiRest Awhile ....111 Spiritual 1 12 Restriction 117 a-L. Prlllips and Victory Stable entry.

-5 t-7 IbB. AAC. Listed In order of post positions. Arlington Results Rt Pioneer News Service. FIRST 5 Mi furlongs; 2 year olds: Tulco, 118 (Nichols I 13.40 7 80 7 00 a-SIr Leaknarf.

118 iVedder 7.20 5 00 Mister Easy. 118 iTrushkal 7.00 Time: 1 'S Appetlner, Black Tweetle, Jay Forst, Red Tape. Buck Rake. Theresa Canale, Blue Seal and a-IIardlnR F. also ran.

n-F. Frankel entrv. SECOND 5 furlongs; 2 year olds: Arabs Fnncy, 110 0.40 5 80 Janrod. 113 (Richards) 8.20 5.20 China Princess, 108 (M KI.) 4.60 Time: Happy Doe, Naughty Bnbv. Wasp Waist.

All Business. Little neromo. Melvln. Royal Tiger, Eyeful and Cossack also ran. THIRD 7 furlongs; 3 year olds: Bogle.

115 (T)odsonl 6.00 3 20 2 60 Porterfleld, 120 2.88 2.60 Lou Jav, 115 (Palgettl 3.80 Time: 1:24 Maebrlglit. Hot Days. a-Stlpulatlon, BurJy Boy, Cut the Cards. Martha Doyle. Zaca Wac, Doug Crate and a-Attrltlon nlsn ran.

n-Wonlfnrd Farm entry. FOURTH 6 furlongs; 3 year olds: Bronr.e Medal. 105 R.fiO 5.80 Overseas. 112 (Orosl 7.00 4 80 Great Card, 114 (Adams) 6.00 Time: Sweet Comet, Momentous, Sehnlarltv. Adelara.

Sable Star. Free Son, Lelda. Right Hand and Bean Pot nlso ran. FIFTH- 1 mile: 3 year olds and up: Slgna Kappa. 112 (S.Rrks).

10.20 4. 8D 3.00 Hail Victory, 120 (D.Dodsn) 4.20 2 80 Letmenow. 112 F.A.Smith 2 60 Time. 1:36 3-3. Juke Box.

Bob's Pick. Toy Quay. Max O'Sulllvan, Wild Advice, Guevdnn also ran. SIXTH 3 year olds up; six furlongs: Navv Cross. 115 (Dndson) 11.40 5.20 2.60 Alison Peters, 118 (Hnsmn) 6.60 3.00 Trnlan Fleet.

118 (Padgett) 2.20 Time 1:10 i. Jimmle, Legislator, Za-capet ran. silVENTH 1fj miles; 4 vr. olds un: T.ate Thread. 108 (Adamal RO 3RD 3.00 Royal Risk, 113 (Campbell), 4.80 3.80 4f' MiiiiiirJ it! lJHim -Qp-fjlTpjl'tJl if (W Jfci 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 1 2 3 4 0 fl 7 7299 Paulas Ace (Melody R.

Inc.) 117 1 5 7273 Paulas Lurk (C. Thorpe) 117 4 12 7304 Ravelled Blue (Mrs. Curland) 117 12 6 7304 Sweet Arllne (Mrs. A. Sneed) 113 7 8 (7280) liar Bingo (C.Latimer) 115 8 1 7273 Toddy (0.

B. Easley) 117 6 3 7304 Westerner (A.Hlrschberg) .111 5 4 7273 Larks Agent (W-L Ranch) 114 11 7 6490 Super number (C.S.Howard) 111 2 10 7242. Waffle Man (P. Venturl) 115 9 2 7203 Fnrnlma Chief (I.D.Parker) 117 3 8 7273 Willow Way (J.R.Simon) ..111 10 11 Tlme lsllVi. Clear, track Mill ELS PA Paula Ace 18.20 10.00 6.10 Paulas Luck 10.10 8.10 Ravelled llhie 3.80 Winner, b.

c. 3. by Hollyrood-Olass Ball; Lake, ss 4 1 Webb ss 0 0 Outlaw, 3b 4 1 Evers rf 3 2 3 0 Mullln.rf 4 0 Culnbne.lf 4 3 Moore 1 Swift, 3 Wakefield 1 Trout, 3 0 0 0 01 0 0 Caster, 0 0 Benton, 0 0 Totals 33 6 24 13! Totals 34 12 27 9 Detroit St. Louis .000 000 000 0 .000 010 08x 9 Stevens. Berardlno, Stephens, Heath, Laabs.

Judnich, Half, Chrlstman, Galehouse. Bernardino, Lake. RBI Bernardino 4. Heath. Laabs 2, Gniehouae, Stephens.

2B Heath. 3B Berardlno HR Laabs. BB Trout 2. Galehouse 2. Caster 2.

SO Trout 6, Galehouse 7. LP Trout. Tribe Fires Blast CHICAGO, June 28 (AP) The Cleveland Indians unloosed a five-run blast in the fifth inning tonight to beat the Chicago White Sox, 7 to 2, before 34,390, (I.F.VF.LAM) (HICAGO Player AB.H. O.A.I Plaver AB.H. O.A. 4 2 2 0 4 0 3 5 10 Appllncss 4 12 4 14 WrlRht.rf 4 10 Edwrds rf 2 1 0 4 1 14 2 2 10 Piatt. If 4 2 2 Keeryci-rr .) 16 0 Kolowv.2b 4 5 0 6 Vells.3b 4 5 10 liTreshc 3 HeRan.c 4 0 8 Oi Jordan 1 Gromek.p 4 2 0 ljHnmntr.p 2 Haynes.p 1 Moses Totals 3S 11 27 4i Totals 36 8 27 15 Cleveland Chicago .101 050 000 000- Case 2 Conwav Flemlne F.d- wards, Oromek, Appline. Wrleht. EBou- dreau, Wells. ApullnK.

P.BI Fleming 3. Edwards. Seerey, Ross. Wrlcht 2 2B Ross. Edwards.

Flcmlr.c. Trosky. KR Wrlcht. BB Off Oromek 1, Hamner 2. Haynes 1 SO Oromek 6.

Hamner 2. llaynes 2. LP Hamner. at 4:061. off at 4:071.

Start good, from gate; won all driving. PAULAS ACE was a sharp factor from start and. rallying in stretch, wore down BAR BINGO and, taking a short lead, was under pressure at end. PAULAS LUCK was badly outrun down backstretch, closed with a rush on outside in stretch, and was going very fast at finish. RAVELLED BLUE was always within striking distance, but did not rally until a furlong out, and then closed with a rush.

SWEET ARL1NE also finished with courage. WESTERNER had no mlstmps. BAR BINGO raced TODDY Into defea and took command under pressure, and weakened a furlong out. LARKS AGENT saved ground where possible WILLOW WAY raced a trifle wide on turn. Scratched Whv Alibi.

Alibi Kate. Wagering $302, 644. 700A SIXTH RACE Six furlongs; 3 IOOVJ split: Winner, 2nd, $800: 7267 Orslno (R. N. Ryan) Ill 7287 altudltaurus (Luke 115 7290 Ibrox (Mrs.

W. C. Gaffers) .111 War Again (Mrs. L. Costello)lll 7297 Phantom Sea C.

S. Howard). 114 5017 Smacked 72M2 Vambo (Bearwald A Wilson). Ill 6H63 a harlvarl i Mr.AMra. A.Sneed)l"7 6M3 Sir War (Mrs.

W. T. Sexton) .113 2 7 3 6 8 4 6 1 9 8 3'1 2 3" 7 i 5 6''3 6', 6 8' 5 3 2' 4 S'l 8 9 7' 7 1 9 9 Pus! on Prooklyn .001 ooo 000 1 100 000 02x 3 Ryan. Lavagetto 2. Reiser.

Stanney. Lavagetto. RBI Walker 2. Sam Schui'z. 2B Walker, Lltwhiler.

SB-Ryan. BB Pain 5. Lombard! 7. BO earn i. LP sain.

Reds Win In 10th CINCINNATI, June 28 (AP) A home run by Shortstop Ed die Miller in the bottom of the tenth inning tonight gave the Cincinnati Reds a 4-3 decision over the Chicago Cubs before 23,746 fans. Chicago Cincinnati Player AB.H.O.A.) Player AB.H.O.A Hack. 3b 5 1 4 0 2 0 0 2 5 2 2 0 4 2 Frey.2b 4 12 2 5 2 Hatlon. 3b 5 2 2 1 I avreta.rf 4 Secory.if 3 4 McCulgh.c 4 4 Borowy, 3 Wyse.p 1 4 0 I.lbke.rf 3 12 0 1 0 Usher. rf 10 0 0 5 0 Mueller.o 3 12 1 7 0 3 112 1 1 2 Lukon.lf 4 0 5 0 0 OCorbltt.sS 3 0 0 4 0 2 113 3 VandrMr.p 4 2 0 3 Adams 110 0 Totals 34 627 10; Totals 37 12 30 15 Chicago 010 101 000 0- Clncinnatl 000 010 2u0 1- Hack.

Secory, Waltkus, Clay, Frey, Hat ton Miller. Borowy, Corbltt. RBI Cavarretta, Secory, McCullough, Hatton, Llbke, Haas, 2B Waltkus. McCullough. Mueller, Clay.

HR Secory, Miller. BB Borowv 4, Wyse 2, Vander Meer 2. SO Borowy 4, Wyse 1, Vander Meer 2. LP Wyse. Cards Big 6th PITTSBURGH, June 28.

(AP) The St. Louis Cardinals batted all the way around in the sixth, lining out seven singles to score all their runs, for a 5-1 triumph over the cellar-dwelling Pittsburgh Pirates at Forbes Field tonight. Attendance was 20,475. ST. LOTIS PITTSBI RGH Players AB.H.O.A.' Plavers AB.H.O.A eVhdst.2r 5 2 3 4 Hundiy.3b 3 115 4 1 i 0 4 5 2 9 0 4 FIFhter.rf 4 2 2 0 3 5 113 4 Dusak.lf 4 12 0 4 Marlon, ss 4 0 13 Cox ss 3 Kluttz.c 4 2 7 2 Lopez, 0 4 Follet.p 4 10 0 Roe 2 2 3 2 2 3 12 4 0 1 4 0 11 3 0 3 4 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 Brown Albosta.p Totals 39 12 27 12 Totals 32 8 27 12 St.

Louts Pittsburgh 000 005 0005 000 000 010 1 Schoendienst, Mudial. Slaughter. Ku-rowskl. Van RobHys. Hand-ley, Pollet.

F.BI--Mustal. Kurowakl. Kluttr. Pollet. 3B Van Robays, SO Roe 3.

Pollet 6, Alboata 1. BB l'ollet 3, Gerheauser 1. LP Roe. Harris Wins Golf Title Young Bobby Harris defeated his fellow San Jose star, Eli Bari-teau one up, to capture the San Francisco Junior Golf Championship yesterday at Lincoln Park. The thirty-six hole final In the Call-Bulletin sponsored tour ney went right to the final hole before a decision could be reached The pair were all square for the first eighteen holes as Bariteau shot a three over par 72 and Har ris had a 71.

But Bariteau toured the first nine in the afternoon in 32 to be two up as Harris needed 35. Bobby birdied the tenth, then tanked a twenty-five foot putt for an eagle on the thirteenth square the match. He went two up by winning the fourteenth and fifteenth, lost sixteen but halved the next two to take the title. Harris was home in 31 for a 66, Bariteau in 32 for a 64 but still proved the loser. Harris ended the thirty-six holes one under par, uanteau two under.

The results: Championship flight Bobby Harris Ell Harlteau one lin First flight Joe Sola d. Chuck Van Llnge, one up. Hucond flight Courtney Uraham d. Bill KinK. 6 and 5, Third flight Bui Fitzgerald d.

Bob Olsen, 4 and 2. Wilson flight Johnny O'Leary Pat Leary, one up. 7292 6 Hickory Knot. Westrope 116 7292 3 Gallahue Neves 111 7300 1 Blueberry 112 7215 2 Jimmy John 316 (7292) 5 Sir Date Chojnackl 119 7218 8 Mantourist Trent 116 7290 7 Herald Longden 119 7300 4 Plucky Chat 'We BEST BET STEPFATHER. Up Front, 113 (M'Andrews) 4.00 Time: 1:51 '5 (new track record).

Purl-tan. Martharine. Rose Canvon. Session. Lady Kentucky, and Sassy Patricia also ran.

eighth nd miles; 4 yr. olds and up: Valdlna Aide. 106 (Padge(t) 8.60 4.60 3 80 Nostalgia, 106 Bendinllll) 6.80 4.20 norizan Ace, 10b (Burdy). 6.80 Time: 1:52. HI Henry, Hot Spark.

Agrarian Bon, and Spoon Bread also ran. Arlington Entries Weather clear: track fast. IHST 6 furlongs; 3 year olds: Big Burly 111: kings Pride ....119 Sugar Lump Little Sphinx .100 I) va 114 .1141 Dusty Zao 114 Marth 114 1141'Menever 114 l.adv elen Sly Tigress ranks 1191 furlongs: 3 vear olds: SECOND 6 Ermelia High Proof Rolllno Valleys Pal Wise Tiger Avenue Ilelle .109 Pie Man 119 114 .119 Paprika 109 "stage Boy 114 1141 Till II I) 1 Tiger Rebel Guide Take Wing Fire Dust mile: 3 year olds and up: Unchallenged ...116 ..118 Choppy Sea ....116 116 Ol IITH 7 furlongs: 4 year olds up a-Three Clovers. 114 b-Fayerbanke ...114 Conference 314 Red Center 114 Papalol loo Handy Lad uato 114 .1151 Bold Btvle 100 Golden CrnsB Devastating Little Mlllv Bill ...120 Lights Abeam Valdlna Date 115i Kamp Reward .104 L'oionei ,.111 a-Mrs. G.

H. Emlck entry. b-Mr. and Mrs. J.

Daniels and Mrs. Thelma. Ott entry. FIFTH 5V, furlongs: 2 vr. olds, fillies: Casa Camara ,.116 Stores Throw ...116 War Fan ll.lic-Dalntv Red 116 Llteco 116'Sny Blue 444444116 Glnnys Pride 116i Chance Pea ....116 Lovelv Imp ....116 a-ciothes Horse.

113 1 Miss Klmo IIP Miss Modd 116'a-Wllt Thou ...113 a-Doggln It 1 16iParklvn 116 b-Oracles Vee 1 16 b-Danc'g Margot.116 c-Jeannle Pie .1 1 6'd-Blue Grass ...110 Caique 113'Balinrlta 116 A-Mrs. E. Shaffer entrv h-E entry; c-W'llllam Veeneman entrv: d-A. H. Hanco*ck Jr.

entry. SIXTH fi furlongs: 3 vear olds Perfect Pahran .116 Cld Plav .107 .114 .112 .115 .117 .107 Blunt Remark 1 10'liiziaround Blliv BumDs Dude Rlnnev Pepwell Izhtlne Frank "'Ith Plensure Dark Jungle 1 1 4Tn-Hadrtnn ..118 Marine Victory Pong HO Pellirle 1131 Eternal Reward a.TT Frenkel entrv seventh 1 1-16 miles, turf; 4 year unn SimlsllnKer 1 1 4IT envenworth 118 Winter Rules Horn Hart. 107 Dockle llS'Shut' Eve .114 EIGHTH miles: 3 vear olds un: Chance Taker t'enturv ..113 nulbs Bnllv 1 20' Ompalo 113 Mr Danny 1 1 6 Boden's Pal .,..116 fndence 1'0'Swlft Action ...116 Slblev 1201 Xiglit Wire By BTT.I. TRACKMAN EMPIRE CITY Fire Isomb. Alrenle.

Tlieall Entry. Edified. Little Ann. Benign. Sopranlst.

Lycos. Vassallo. Rytlnn. Tldv Bid. Glad Time.

Natchez. VVlndflelds. Salerno Broadway Joe, Chance Morn. Afreet. Plndus.

Bleber Entry, Opening Bid. Best Plndus. SUFFOLK DOWNS Vim. Soverton, Heat Wave. Arrows Away, Chevalier.

On The River. Little Hoops. Singular. Barnacle. Hlllyer Court.

Shinny Penny. Jo Agnes. Sllee. End Of Strife, Mel Epnley West. Fleet.

Dinner Party. Bill Hardev. Olympic Zenith, Boy Soldier, Sky Skipper. Valdlvla Snafu Vegas Wheel. Best Little Hoops.

ARLINGTON PARK I.ndy Welch. Dus(v Zac. Menever. Wise Tiger, Rolllno, Pie Man. Tiger Rebel.

Topnard. Cnchallenged. Three Clovers, Plav Oato, Little Milly. Miss Klmo, Jeannie Pie. Doggln It.

Spy Song. Perfect Bnhram, Pepwell. Leavenworth, Winter Rules, Sand Pllnger. Cadence. Slhlcv.

One Century. Best Tiger Rebel. Bernard's Selections AT HOLLYWOOD PARK 1 Dolly' Dimple. High Spirits, Miss Jo. 2 Burger, Strtimln Sam, Vegas Chance.

3 Grasshopper II. Impregnable, Ills Nickel. 4 Ready, Truckee, shuffle Tne. A Thev Sav. V-loy.

Widows Peak. Valdlna Streak, Lasting Peace, Free. dnm Ring, 1 Don onelo. Stepfather, Arluna. 8 Sir Date, Hickory Knot, Gallahue.

BEST Grasshopper II. Kemp's Selections BAY MEADOWS HARNESS Guy Seymour. Forbes Stradcr, Great Leaf. Richmond Spencer, Windsor Guy. Bour-hon Abbey.

Tennessee Joe, O. D. Woollen, In Command. Trooper Lee, Tally Ho. Mls May.

Proficient, Dutch Harbor. Mr. Eddle- Earl's Monrtv Guv. Villi Bloom. Mary M.

Swindle Sheet. Son Maxey Woollen. U.u.".t Star, Gray. Dick Maek. et Guest Star.

Longshol Scotia. Time :22, 1:10. dear, track fast. a.Mr. and Mrs.

A. Sneed-Luke Sneed entry. $2 MUTl'ELM PAin EQUIVALENT ODDS Orslno 3.40 2.70 2.30 Orslno 70-1 aKudltaurus 3.80 2.70 altudltaurus Jbrox 2.70 Ibrox Winner hr 4. hv 'Nearco-Annelus trained by C. T.

Leavitt. Went to post at 4:381. off at 4:39. Start good, from gate; won UKSinu racing as oest, was nusnea aiong on ran mm, vhhiichri. nearlng far turn, quickly disposed of latter, drew into a short lead at head of stretch, was ridden out and won drawing rapidly clear and worked out a mile In 1:37, being shaken up lightly with whip Hearing mile.

RUPITAURUS had speed and made a bold run at winner turning Into stretch, but could not threaten. IBROX raced a bit wide and finished well. WAR AGAIN was going strongly at end. SMACKED weakened. CHARIVARI broke Into the air at start and was never dangerous.

Scratched Three More Ace Keglers In Scribes1 Tournament Lasting Peace, Eitra Base. WaEerlng $329,769. 7331 -MCVENTH RACE 1 1-18 miles: split: Winner, $2,925: 2nd, $800 7298 Olhaverry (A. E. Silver) 110 6 5 3" 21 1M Saunders 1.25 783 Autocrat (BaronlABattelana) 119 2 8 6 6 3M 21 2'1 Pedersn 3 00 (7274) Victory Drive (Miss C.

Jelm) 119 4 11' 1" l1 3' 3 Gilbert 6.05 72S3 Wise Kagle (Arrowhead 8.) 110 14 4t fl 4 Trent 3.30 (7290) By Dark (Deerwood 8. 119 3 3 6" 6 44 5" Hlgley 17.90 7258 Green Bush (Mrs. F. Rice) 119 6 2 2 2' 4' 6 6 Corbett 24.55 By Bob Brachman The list of contenders In the annual San Francisco Bowline l'i 2'1 4 6" 5 31 8' 76 9 l'i Longden .70 2i Westrope 5.90 3) Trent 6.20 4J Wall 37.85 5'1 Neves 6.65 61 Hlgley 12.20 71 Harltos 21.00 81 Pederson 5.90 9 Chjnckl 54.45 ridden out. second and third driving.

4 year olds up; allowances, 3rd, $450; 4th. $225. Turae $4,500, Clear, track fast, equivalent onns Olhaverry 1.25-1 Autocrat Victory Drive trained by A. E. Silver.

Went to post won all driving moved up aieanuy on oumiue ininaon eettlnir to a most even terms witn winner VICTORY DRIVE had speed, save when others. WISE EAGLE saved ground, made 2 8" 6' 11 12 12 1 4 31 10 10' 71 9 9'l 9' 3 1 2' 5 3 4'J 12 11 10, 7 5 5' 8 7hrf 11 6 4 2" 11 2d 91 1' aha 3' 4'1 10M lis 1" 3' 2'l lil Westrope 3.50 2' Pierce 6.50 31 Hyder 5.4S 41 Keagle 53.30 5 Prater 39.50 6 Skrnskl 25.50 71 Martin 9 35 8' Trent 5.00 9 Pedersn 25 30 51 (M J'1 7 8 10 12 9hd io Saundrs 43.43 7 12 lit Corbett 13 45 11' 12 Hlgley 4 85 Writers tournament was upped to Joe Whetstone, Vally Koetx and "Telephone Freddie" Noyes accepted bids to compete In the eliminations starting July 13. Time :4, I'll. 1:43. $2 MUTIELS FAID Olhaverry 4.60 3.00 2.50 Aiitoerat 3.90 3.00 Victory Drive 3.10 Winner, gr.

7. bv Salerno. Me Conata at off nnce. Htarf from cate ULM A Ve. Kiti was band to ha e.

and. racing VICTORY DRIVE into submission when straightened out in stretch, out-gamed AUTOCRAT In a prolonged duel. Latter was rated while saving ground to nearlng far turn, came out foe drive and. at head of stretch, finished with courage. challenged, but held on fairly well to best a oia ai tar turn, out could not sustain It.

BY dakk was outrun. unz.r.ii cuon tired after vainly trying to keep early pace with VICTORY DRIVE. Wagering 4J00.U.14 7332 i I EIGHTH RACE and one-elghih; year olds up; rlnlmlng (all entered for S2.mmi. I'nriM K4.attn Knllt Kl.A2Ai 9nd. $5(10: 3rd.

$250: 4th, $126 7244 Flying Dot (Mrs. O. Adams) 120 1 7276 Termite ('. Addlngton) 114 12 7279 Brave Commando R. Elgin) 122 3 72R8 TrynnpaM (El Pueblo ..109 2 7288 Gold Boss (M Julian) ....117 11 7204 Gallant One (Mrs.

Ormlston) 114 4 7263 Klsktnn (Mrs. Newmeyer) ..117 7 7316 Fiery Justice (Mrs. E. Smith) 117 8 7244 Ocean Moon (J. Barlow) ..115 10 7276 Somhrllla (H.

Ranch) 112 5 4(171 Favor (Mrs. P. Reznlck) ....114 9 (7244) Sporty Jack (J.D. Rogers) ..120 6 This will mark the first tourney appearance for both Noyes and Whetstone. The latter is one of the Nation's ranking southpaws, and, incidentally, the first portsider ever to gain a bid to the local scribes event.

Koetz, on the other hand, Is a "charter member," having been in all previous eliminations. He Teached a peak in 1944 when he averaged 199 to lead the field and earn the right to bowl Ned Day. MET "HOT" CHAMPION. Wally had the misfortune of running into Day at his "hottest" and Ned's 218 average accounted for the first win by national champion in the grand roll-off. Koetz did his best bowling during the past season In the Brew ers where he averaged 197, but his 188 in the Tuesday Traveling over eight houses also served as a boost, since traveling circuits are admittedly the toughest in which to roll.

Noyes' forte has been his tour Time :2.H, 1:39. Clear, track fast. Sporty Jack claimed by Alaska Stable for $2,000. Brave Commando claimed hv J. J.

Jensen for $2,000. $2 Ml'Tl'EU PAID EQUIVALENT ODDS Flying Dot 9.00 4.60 8.30 Flying Dot 3.60-1 1.26-1 Termite 1.10 4.50 Termite 2.65-1 1.26-1 Brave Commando 4.80 Hrnve Commando 1.80-1 Winner, b. 10, by Flying Ebony-Dorothy Whltmore; trained by Adams. Went to post at 5:44, off at 5:48. Start good, from gate; won handily, second and third driving FLYING DOT was in hand to half mile, responded to urging and, closing steadily, took command turning into stretch and drew out to a safe lead, and was not pressed near end.

TERMITE went wide on first turn, was badly outrun to far turn, then came with a great rush and finished gamely. BRAVE COMMANDO made a bold move to head field on final turn, but could not last under pressure. TRYANPA8S also closed fairly well. GALLANT ONE had early speed, but weakened. RIRKTON raced atoutly to stretch, then gave way.

SPORTY JACK had early speed while racing on outside, raced GALLANT ONE Into defeat, but quit badly when put to a drive and had no real excuse. Scratched Sunttra. Tnmmye Double. Royal Casino, Cee Lot. Wagering $219,077.

Total wagerlntj $2,074,270. 11.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.