Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2024)

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Detroit, Michigan

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PART THREE THE DETROIT REE KRESS 50GIEI WILLARD PARDRIDGE President THE HENRY BLACKWELL CO 155 15 7 WOODWARD AVE This is December 4th PEBSONALS Christmas Comes Just Three Weeks rom Today Doll Dolls 19c Go Carts faction but will eave their health and of Toy kind Monday 19c I Mr At E(ght Monday Morning We Will Begin Our Great ew Gloves Save V3 on Hair Goods After Thanksgiving Sale of Coats Suits urs Dresses Etc $148 ourth loor Oathout have Dress Goods and Wash abrics Sale Table Linens for Christmas Gifts A Sale Monday in the Silk Department ine Values in Gift Buyers Should See These Specials in Leather Goods Visit the Carriage Main WILLARD PARDRIDGE President home Double Green Trading Stamps Until Noon Jones of 'nmw months' Lincoln Young leave visit in Bos Maude of this city party little Mr and Jonesville tdence In a Mr and Mrs JI Snyder avenue Mrs rederick Alger has re turned from Atlantic City Mr and Mrs Walter Boynton ere visiting in New York Mr and Mrs today for a few ton and New York Values SA1E Values SALE Values daughter Mrs JI Champe table Ith a mums JI 00 49c of Russian by one of Dr Newton who went to Milwaukee to spend Thanksgiving with his parents has returned home Mr and Mrs William Coleman cf Grosse He have taken apartmentst the Newark for the winter Mrs Anderson has return ed from a visit in Albion Mrs Ralph Aldrich will give a reception this afternoon from 4 to 6 (clock at her apartments in the Jefferson who visited returned to Mr and Mrs George Huebner are visiting in the east 25c Extra $500 Switches 24 Inches long made of natural wavy hair in all (M AO colors special at Mrs Coleman of Marshall returned home Thursday Mr and Mrs Cyrus Lothrop return from New York today Miss lorence Carns has returned to Traverse City after a few with Detroit friends Miss turned Checker Boards 25o value special Monday Now they can be bought and misses Mrs Andrews returned Bay City Tuesday after a visit with Detroit friends for about one half The assort SUNDAY DECEMBER 4 1910 Mrs Speaker Detroit friends has Traverse City Skates in all a guaranteed JltlO value: Mrs Ogden Rafferty has moved from the Medbury annex to 181 Kirby avenue west Eaton Holiday Sta tionery fine quality 50c value on sale morning Ofi from 8 to 12 at Mrs rank A Reed returned Thursday from Big Rapids where she had been the guest of Prof and Mrs erris Miss Susan Biddle is the guest cf Miss Mary Turner Edward place Lillian Lattallne has re from Chicago after spending weeks with her sister Mrs I Newton Greenberg and daughter Ruth who visited in this cty have returned to Battle Creek TOY STORE OPENS MONDAYS Mrs Eleanor Junkin has returned from Houghton where she visited ter son Nir Joseph Junkin Special Bargains Buyers On Sale MONDAY MORNING Only Chairs Dolls Mrs Rose Lane and Miss Ab bie Lane IBS Kenilworth avenue have moved to 95 Willis avenue east 18 inch size full bleach $148 Mrs Pickett and daughter Jackson who visited in nave returned com $125 98c and Doll Go Carts that opener close with one motion large enough for 24 inch doll Made of cold rolled steel with double spoke wheels assorted colors $300 value: while 50 them last Monday at An importer's surplus stock of Switches and Cluster Puffs bought at one third less than regular cost The entire purchase goes on sale Monday at prices correspondingly low ourth loor Mrs red Weitzel Kirby ave rue west has returned from a five veeks' visit In Owosso Mrs Watkins returned Sat vtslt Wat ln the inest Grades for Every Need or Occasion celebrated Toy Pianos the regular 50c size Mon Sy 39c per pair PToor Black Dress Velvetceen chiffon finish very fashionable for suits 98c $135 We carry a full line of the cele brated Wyndham Black Dress Silks Peau de Soie Peau do Cygne etc every yard guar "f'Sia $139 and $169 loor All silk Satin Princess 36 inches wide a fine quality with rich luster white and black and twenty different shades to choose from AC worth $125 Monday per yard' SS00 Switches made from finest first quality hair 20 inches ftc long all colors special at Mrs CpflfTA luncheon riday from 1 to 2 tn honor of Mrs Conrow of New York the guest of Mrs ow ler The guests numbered 250 The house was decorated in yellow and white Mrs owler will also give a tea this afternoon from 4 to 6 Mr nnd Mrs returned to New York after spend ing a week in Detroit the guests of Aigei Paul Witt after a visit with Detroit relatives has re turned to his home in St Joseph Mr and Mrs rank Towir returned riday from New York Sensible Gifts for Children Infants' and Childrens all wool Sweaters in white cardinal oxford gray and navy specially priced at 75c to $250 19c to 50c Children's Wool Toques colors 25c to 50c $125 trimmed $498 $398 Mrs have taken up their res thls city for the winter Delos iler and Mrs owler gave a buffet Chairs the regular 25c Xmas Games Parker Bros and Milton Games all new for ng 4 this season XJL Mr and Mrs Sherman Berden of Ba' City are passing a few days with Detroit friends Switches 34 Inches made of wavy hair in all colors ex dQ AQ cept gray special at ipyO Rolls $100 69c $150 Silk Thread double soles SI 50 Carriage Bags Just a few pieces mostly samples and high grade novelties $500 value $Prj ftQ special Monday at New styles in velvet Suede and grain seal and Walrus Carri age Bags black and colors regular $150 values ftg special Monday at V0C loor Pattern Cloths yards pure Irish linen rich designs in fine satin damask $325 flJQ value sale price Pattern Cloths two yards wide three yards long very line quality $4 value (If) sale price ipOUU Bleached Napkins fine Irish linen $175 values 'sale price per doz loor Black Silk Stockings with four inch garter top lisle sole toe and high Aft spliced heel per pair Women's Black Italian Silk Thread Stockings with double neei ana toe per pair Black Stockings with heel and toe per pair $15 and stra Special ifty Switches made of the finest quality rench and German hair with natural wave all colors including era worth 1 5 and $1498 and $998 Solid Gold Baby Rings set with turquoise pearl rose dia monds etc fully guaranteed regularly sold at $150 on sale Monday morning Ag from 8 to 12 at $250 Clianticler Puffs in all colors special at $500 Cluster Puffs first quality hair all colors special 2 Qg $SOO Cluster Puff's made by hand on wire frame first quality hair in all colors Including gray speclal at $150 Switches 18 and 20 Inches long In a splendid range of fto colors special at $250 Switches 22 Inches long made of carefully selected wavy tft lQ hair special at $150 Cluster Puffs made of carefully selected hair in a splendid range of colors special at AW ull jointed Dolls 25 Inches long with sewed wig and open and shut eyes As we have only 100 of them we can sell Only one to a customer Mon day Specially priced at xOL Kid body jointed Dolls with 1 open and shut eyes and sewed wig $200 value 41 4R special Monday at Kid Body Dolls double jointed open and shut eyes and shoes and stockings worth AQn 75c special Monday at ull jointed Kid Body Dolls Handwork and Kesner make with open and shut eyes and shoes and stockings values up to $600 special Monday at $408 $3 OS $208 and $248 Steel Savings Banks value: special Monday at Toy Groceries with plete equipment value: special Monday at Aeronlanes a novel new mechanical toy 50c value special QOft Monday at wt Doll's Go Carts made of steel $150 val ue special Monday 98c coats Monday at $129 Black Heatherbloom Petti coats with hemstitched and corded flounces $200 value at Silk Hosiery Women's Black Silk Thread Stockings with embroidered instep per pair $225 $275 $300 $350 and $400 pure Silk Thread Stock ings in light blue pink navy white tan and CM KC1 Cft yellow per pair qJAJV The Kayser Silk Stockings with reinforced gar $200 Shaving Seta triple plated fit ted with rubber set brush in neat case $300 value on sale 'Monday morning no from 8 to 12 at $1VO Tapestry Portieres In red greenand brown with five Inch Per 4 slan borders regular $600 value special Monday ftg at per pair Colored "Madras 50 inches wide all handsome new patterns regular price $150 Cfi Pattern Cloths yards long two yards wide pure Irish lin en fine quality double damask eight choice new patterns $400 value sale (PQ ftp price cpOxO Pattern Cloths 2 yards square fine Satin Damask pure Irish linen a variety of handsome conventional and floral designs to choose from $250 fijft ftft value sale price pXVv Second Values SALE ine Coats at $298 About 65 Coats in plain colors and fancy mixtures double breasted styles formerly sold up to $750 We will close them out at $298 Sizes 9 to 14 years Dresses at $998 ormerly sold up to $3250 Messalines Taffetas Broadcloths and Serges Only 35 in the lot Your choice Monday at $998 Capes at $698 Broadcloth Evening Capes for merly sold UP to $1650 We have just 20 of them to close out at $698 All Evening Dresses at Half Price or Less urs for Christmas Russian Mink Sets best quality latest style scarfs and muffs regular $25 value A ftQ sale price pAtVO rench Lynx Sets handsome scarf and large pillow muff regular price $1250 special oMondar $695 Children's ur Sets white gray and brown a complete assort ment of new styles specially $148 and $198 ur Sets an excellent variety Including mink mar ten Jap Mink and ox at prices that cannot be duplicat ed for equal quality in Detroit I NECK PIECES worth up to (iuu eacii several styles choice for MINK SCARS with heads sale price BROOK MINK MUS sale price GENUINE HI ACK OX SETS shawl collar and pillow muff sale Prlce ipzQyo BLACK WOL SCARS extra large pillow or rug muff and shawl collar: sale price Third loor 5 Great Lots of Coats Values up to $1298 up to $1500 ee 7C PRICE ipO4 1098 $1975 tint vst hr hfS 7 shall get busier and busier Everybody will rush for the things needed and cni aci 8 a Basacon know that our facilities with more room and better equipment will eD £rV 06 an emergency and for all demands But there Is this also to remember What von meh a ought through leisurely selection from bountiful and unbroken stocks When rrA ei" press necessity you put a strain on your nerves and your health and that Is a Th DiS We a11 know these thinSs of course But not all of us ACT as If we knew them oc his Score are brought here early after months of preparation One reason is our desire ncrase the smoothness of our service Another reason Is our knowledge that those who do buy ore actual press of necessity will not only choose more carefully and with more certain satis win save tneir health and strength Mrs A Sissman gave a riday afternoon for her daughter Muriel There were 25 children present and the afternoon vas spent in story telling and games Mrs Henry Plass gave a luncheon riday for nine guests in honor of the birthday anniversary of her i ue was of pretty appointments centerpiece of chrysanthe 50c Pianos 39c Long Glace Gloves from fin est selected kid skins Over scanted and three clasps at wrist They come in white and tlte new butter shade 16 button length White at $350 and the CJQ butter shade at cpo4 Women's 2 and 3 clasp viiuves in ail col ors at per pair Women's 2 clasp Kid Gloves tnat we can guarantee lor reliability all sizes and colors at ftft per pair piUU White and Natural Color Chamois Gloves ftft one clasp style at P1UU MAIN LOOR Dubleen Poplins 42 in wide per yard Diagonal Suitings 56 inches wide $135 value Monday QRft per yard ZOV All wool Twilled Back Broad cloths 50 in wide $125 Qfip value Monday per yard Ou Double warp Storm Serges and imported German Serges 89c value Monday Cp per yard All wool Novelty Suitings 48 in wide $100 value Mon CQr day per yard Second loor urdaj" from a two with her son Dr kins of Pueblo Colo Imported Smoking Seta worth 75c on sale Monday morning 12: 39c Real Seal iand Goat Seal Bags fitted with purse hand riv eted frames val ues up to $00 special $500 Monday Leather Music value special Monday at Combination Bill Book card case and purse for men a splendid selection of regular $lo0 98c values special Monday at Main co 155 157 WOODWARD AVENUE Miss Lucile Baker of Manistee" Is visiting friends in this city Miss lorence Larkins of Du luth Minn Is visiting relatives and friends in this city $1 Roller Skates Roller sizes Krade: special Monday 69c 50c Tool Chests Tool Chests fitted with tools 50c value 39c Glove finish Peau de Cygne yard wide black only extra heavy quality regular $125 ORft value Monday per yard Pure Silk Messallne 27 Inches wide all the wanted shades and black and white 9Sc value Monday per yard Second ine Russian Pony Coats An extra choice lot Ponv Coats made the most reliable fur manufac turers in the country We se cured them at a special dis count They are genuine $100 values Monday and while they last our price for these wn Panama Skirts at $398 and $498 Black blue and brown Panama Skirts panels pleated models values up to $750 on sale in two lots at anil 498 Taffeta Silk Petticoats $450 Value at $249 Regular values in Taffeta Silk Petticoats well made and good wearing quality sale price $249 Petti 35c Mercerized Poplins OCr Monday at XUC New Plaids for children's dresses Monday 1 Eg 25c black and white Shepherd Check Suitings Monday 1C per yard Japonoki and Seco Silks 27 In wide Monday AA per yard XW 10c Dress Ginghams and Per cales Monday 1 per yard $175 rench Broadcloths r)E Monday per yard 4U4Z3 Christmas Apron Booth on the 50c Beds Beds with canopy regular 50c kinds special Monday 39c Tea Sets Doll China Tea Sets complete with twelve or sixteen pieces fine under glazed floral de signs $150 value nfif Monday at VOC Women are right in expecting extraordinary bargains during December in the line of Coats Suita etc but we know that this sale will surprise and delight even those who are most eagier to secure the fullest measure of value for their money No halfway methods have been considered no thought of profits or of what the goods are worth but our Entire New and Thoroughly Desirable Stock Wil! Be Offered at a Sacrifice Every garment has been marked down for the sale deep decisive cuts that result in the greatest values ever known In hardly any case do the new prices cover the actual manufacturing cost of the goods The handsomest styles the finest fabrics the most fashionable shades and colors nothing reserved or excepted Come tomorrow morning for first pick of the bargains You will not have another chance this season to make such a pleasing selection at an equal saving of money $15 Suits at $875 $25 Suits at $1198 $35 Suits at $1508 Hundreds of them to choose from all new and fashionable Suits perfectly tailored and remark ably line for the money at regular prices ment includes all sizes for women Curtains and Draperies Now On the ourth loor Bargains for Monday ifth loor ancy Aprons macle of fine Muslin and Dotted Swiss trimmed with embroidery and lace tucks and hem stitchings made with band and bib special values at 25c to $150 ine Nainsook Corset Covers prettily trimmed with em broidery medallions fine Vai lace beading and rib bon Put up In holly gift abtoxes Specia1 50c Nottingham and Cable Net Cur tains full width and length with dainty small pattern bor ders $500 value special Mon $350 Ruffled Curtains made of hand some striped muslin all well made and full width special for Monday only at QA ti'pCr pair VC ourth loor a ETi 1 rN 50 $248 mW? 1 to i tl II 8 1 Silra 1J VI Kjy drill V'Tj si 1 4 Mr and Mrs William With erspoon are visiting their sons Messrs Howard and William With erspoon Spokane Wash Dr and Mrs McEva have returned to their home in South Rend Ind after a visit with their daughter Mrs Culver Mr Robert Henkel and Mr George Groll of Detroit and Mr Charles Currie of Windsor leave for Jacksonville la next week rom there they will cruise to Miami and then to Rockledge Later Mr Henkel will remove his family to his winter home at Rockledge 8rltch loanee Cosmetic Mrs ffllen Lrgt Halz Stere ta Mleblgu Hair Drelas HoCe Bhampoolair Manloore Hair Geode Harcel Waving Specialty 201202 Washing ton Arcade Eetabllshed 1 Tel 14(1 ur iTviTA HAIA COLOR RESTORER I mat Jtirwv Adh ftWYAIKS AXY pmea bottiJE Mrs Alien THIE CUTS HAIR GIRL ASLEEP Removes Beautiful Tresses of Seattle Maid but Leaves Val uable Jewels Untouched Seattle Wash December 3 Leaving untouched valuable jewels and watches which lay on her dresser a miscreant whose identity is unknown to the police entered the room of Miss Bertha Parks 19 years old at her home 1216 East Alder street and while she was sleeping with her sister cut from her head long tresses of deep au burn hair and escaped with his PNHss Parks immediately became hysterical and a physician had to be summoned in an rff'rt to quiet her She had not been disturbed in the least yet her auburn tresses nearly three feet long? were gone Her sister had not heard any one in the room but heavy tracks made by muddy feet were visible on toe WWhen John Parks father of the young woman heard of plight of his daughter he immeai atelv notified the police and capt Tennant found that entrance had been gained through a bathroom window which had been forced presumably with a jimmy There were tracks of muddy feet in the halls and the bedroom occu pied by the two young women An Investigation proved that money and jewelry usually sought by burg lars were not wanted by this inys terious man who had stolen Miss mpleZof Miss Parks's hair bar been placed in the hands of half a dozen detectives who will seek to land the fellow in the meshes of the law HORSE SWIMS IN THE BAY Crowds Watch While He Resists Rescuers and Disappears New York December 3 The sudden appearance of a horse with a bridle and collar swimming In the bay off the Battery at the foot of Whitehall street attracted the attention of all passengers on the crowded Municipal ferryboat Cas tleton The ferryboat was just en tering her pier when the cry went up that a horse was overboard Capt Stockin stopped the boat' while the crowd watched Thomas Gallagher bridgeman at the ferry station and Thomas O'Rourke the doorman try to rescue the animal with a boathook No one seemed to know where the horse came from It was a bay and seemed to have no trouble keeping afloat As it was headed for island when first seen it thought that it came down the North river Gallagher saw ft first His eyes bulged when he saw what looked like a sea ser pent in Hie water about 100 feet from the slip' He called and together they made out a horse The horse disappeared several times but always came to the surface Once It came close enough to the pier for Gallagher to slip the point of a boathook under its collar The horse did not seems to relish the attempt to rescue it and swam toward the East river almost drag ging Gallagher and O'Rourke after him Th horse swam rapidly to ward the last river Then ft turn ed and started back in the direction of Governors island After the fer ryboat was docked a small boat was lowered and several men start ed after the horse Although hun dieds watched it swim away no one could tell where it went A hurry call was sent to Sergt Ellis of the Harbor squad anil he searched for the animal in his pa trol boat for over an hour He went up as far as the Brooklyn bridge arid all round Governors is land but no trace of the animal could be found The horse was a good swimmer and seemed to have little trouble stemming the strong ebb tide Gallagher said it look ed like a carriage horse Wives In Sewing Circles The irst Sowing Circle In the Land has resumed its winter activi ties in Washington It is called the Needlework Guild and It sew? for the poor in the Army and Navy Mrs Robert Craig is the head of the guild Mrs Grover Cleveland is a member as are Mrs Theodore Roosevelt and Mrs Taft All these ladies joined during their residence in Washington Mrs Taft when she was wife of the secretary of war and Mrs Roosevelt when her hus band was assistant secretary of the navy New Press The Difficulty "Life ain't but disappoint groaned the Chronic Grum bler up!" urged the Cheerful Idiot yer git £10 for put tin' yer picture in the paper as havin' bin cured o' all yer ills by Pills?" I did now all my rela tlfs are me why 1 go to work now tb't Tit Bits PREACHES 10 CROWD AS HER BARN BURNS Exhorts Spectators to Leave Wickedness and Send Their Children to Church Newburg December 3 While firemen worked to save her buildings from flames Mrs Robert Campbell exhorted the crowd which was attracted to the blaze to leave wickedness and follow the paths of righteousness "If you people were where you should be in she said ear nestly but with no trace of anger "you would not be here idly looking at a fire If you had your children where you should have them in church with you there would be no fire You ought to have them in church An hour In Sunday school is no good I used to think Sunday school the A the A and Epwortli League were the miseries of the church Now I know tney are pulling it down" Mrs Campbell is a rich and ec centric widow She owns a large amount of property supports many crippled children and euucates them and her house is the refuge of the unfortunate This afternoon she as serted the tire which destroyed her barns had been started by enemies This is the third time it was done she said Asked If site had any insurance Mrs Campbell said: "No Providence has saved us from danger three times and will do so again" Her buildings are placarded with extracts from the Bible HIMIIIilllill iilllill ilMIHI TOMORROW BREAT SWEEPING SALE At the International ur Sale 154 Woodward Ave We place on sale'XX) sets of urs just arrived from New York the latest styles in rlack oxes Minks and Black Lynx positively for less than half the price you would pay elsewhere 54 inch Russian Pony Coats extra fine Moria Skins many of them worth 510000 Sale (gQfy price I $500 Sets at The latest In ur Hats val ues up to $1000 sale QK price P5oD ur Lined Overcoats and Seal Skin Hat Bargains $6000 Sable Coney Coats will rj gQ One lot of Genuine Russian Mink Scarfs on sale 60 Marten Sets values (pry Qpr up to 52800 Sale price Ov All the Lynx Sets you pay high prices for In many of the ur Stores will be sold here at just one nalt the price Large Black Canadian Lynx Sets Values up to $3250 will be QQ Of sold at per set $1400 Muffs for $500 $1200 Sets for $385 $8000 Mink Sets fancy Q4 collars for tJriOtJV One lot of Muffs Martens and Rus sian Minks values up to 7PSi $950 sale price tp A Values $6 to $18 $2 gpj INTERNATIONAL UR 0 154 Woodward Avenue dr 1 Io $55 Ko $145 aM Paw fl 'a A rnrruB.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.