Campaign 2024 Vice President Harris Campaigns in Fayetteville, NC : CSPAN : July 18, 2024 2:01pm-2:33pm EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> hello! thanks for being here and thanks for caring about the future of our country. north carolina welcomes back vice president kamala harris as she and president biden get ready to defeat donald trump in november. guys, this is the vice president's 15th trip to the most military and veteran friendly state in the country. i've known kamala harris for more than 12 years going back to our days as state attorneys general together. i know she's a fighter. i know that she gets the job done. and i know that she and joe biden need four more years to finish the job. you know, this election is not

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just about what kind of president we want to have. this election is about what kind of country we want to be. donald trump's americas where the wealthy get the brakes and the working families get the shaft. do we want donald trump's america? donald trump's america is where the end of roe v. wade is a great thing, and politicians police women's bodies. do we want donald trump's america? donald trump's america is where it is easier to get an assault rifle that it is to get health care. do we want donald trump's america? >> no! gov. cooper: donald trump's america is where the president is a convicted felon, a chronic

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layer, and the king of chaos. do we want donald trump's america? >> no! vp harris: four years ago -- gov. cooper: four years ago we told donald trump, you're fired! now he wants his job back. no way. you know, donald trump threatens our democracy and wants to make history by installing himself as a dictator on day one. but joe biden and kamala harris will defend our democracy and they would rather make history with their extraordinary accomplishments for the american people. they actually passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill that donald trump only bragged about that he would do but never did. joe biden increased health care coverage while donald trump tried to take it away. joe biden lowered the cost of prescription drugs and health care premiums. and in north carolina, he helped

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us finally expand medicaid. now we have more than half a million north carolinians enrolled in health insurance. but you know what? donald trump would snatch those health insurance cards right out of people's hands. we cannot let that happen. joe biden and kamala harris are doing everything they can to protect and restore abortion rights, because we ought to leave medicine to the doctors and decisions to the women. but donald trump, he's not going to stop with overturning roe v. wade. he's already promised to do more if he gets the chance and if you don't believe it, just look up project 2025. my fellow north carolinians, can we defeat donald trump at the ballot box? can we defeat donald trump right

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here in north carolina, and deny him the presidency? of course we can! and we must. so, here's your assignment, we're in a school. for the next 110 days, we have to be on the doors, on the phone, on social media, on top of our game to stop donald trump 's dark vision of america and make sure that joe biden and kamala harris can finish the job they started. thank you, fayetteville. let's turn north carolina blue for biden! thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause]

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announcer: we are just waiting to hear from vice president kamala harris shortly campaigning in fayetteville, north carolina. you're watching live coverage on c-span.

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[indiscernible chatter]

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my name is kelly artis. my husband just commemorated 20 years in the united states army. in our family is stationed here at fort liberty and we are so proud to call north carolina home. today, i am honored to welcome vice president harris back to our great state. as a military spouse, i am no stranger to sacrifice. don't get me wrong, we love our country, and my husband is proud to serve. at the same time, deployments, relocations, and the realities of the lifestyle present families like mine with unique challenges. joe biden is a military father. he understands us. he lost a son because of a service-related illness. he understands the sacrifices family go through, because he has lived it. joe biden and kamala harris believed that we have a sacred

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obligation to prepare, equip, and care for our troops, veterans, and their families. [cheers and applause] they are fighting to ensure that we don't have to sacrifice our stability to give our loved ones the support they need. last year, president biden came to fort liberty to announce historic steps to increase the economic security of military and veteran spouses, caregivers, and survivors. this administration's actions have helped create more opportunities for people like me to get secure, well-paying jobs. they have removed barriers for access to affordable housing in the childcare that we need. and across the board, they are fight to lower costs for families and protect our freedom. president biden and vice president harris have delivered for families and changed the

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lives of military spouses and all of north carolina communities for the better. i know, given another term, they will keep fighting for us. [cheers and applause] the path to the white house runs through north carolina. it's our turn to deliver for president biden and vice president harris, and send them back to the white house for four more years. now, please join me in welcoming our guest of honor back to north carolina, the first woman vice president of the united states, kamala harris. [cheers and applause]

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vp harris: can we hear it for kellie? good afternoon, north carolina! oh, it's good to be back. it's good to be back. and i want to thank kellie for your work and for your family and all that you have given to our country in service. and it is so good to be back with so many incredible leaders. including my dear friend roy cooper. [cheers and applause] you know, roy and i served together when i was attorney general of california and he was attorney general of north carolina. i have known him for two decades and he is an extraordinary leader. i also want to thank the extraordinary leaders who are our service members and their families who are here with us this afternoon.

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thank you all. you know, one of my greatest honors as vice president is to meet with our service members around the world. i have met with armed service members from nato's eastern flank, to the korean dmz, and from arizona to florida. and i will tell you what everyone here knows, all our service members possess an extraordinary skills, discipline, dedication, and love of country. [applause] and i know their families served with equal dedication, and i thank you all. and i say everywhere i go, around the world, we are so proud that the united states military is the greatest fighting force the world has ev

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er seen. [cheers and applause] which is why president biden and i are proud to have passed the pack act, the largest expansion of health care and benefits for veterans and military families and survivors, the largest benefit in decades. so thank you again, everyone here, and in particular our military members and their families for the service and dedication that you have shown. so today, we are 110 days out from the election. and while many of us have been involved with these elections for every four years practically, nearly every time we will say, this is the one. well, this here is the one. the most existential, consequential, and important election of our lifetime.

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and there is so much at stake. last night was the latest example. some of you may have heard donald trump's running mate deliver remarks at the republican national convention. he talked about his life story about growing up in southwest ohio and it was compelling. it is a compelling story. and it was not the full story. frankly, what is very telling is what he did not talk about on that stage. he did not talk about project 2025. their 900-page blueprint for a second trump term. he did not talk about it because their plans are extreme. and they are divisive. in recent days, they have been

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trying to pate themselves as the party of unity -- trying to portray themselves as the party of unity. but here is the thing. if you claim to stand for unity, you need to do more than just use the word. [cheers and applause] you cannot claim you stand for unity if you are pushing an agenda that deprives whole groups of americans of basic freedoms, opportunity, and dignity. [cheers and applause] you cannot claim you stand for unity if you are intent on taking reproductive freedoms from the people of america and the women of america. trying to ban abortion nationwide, as they do, and

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restrict access to ivf and contraception, as their plan calls for. you cannot claim to be for unity if you try to overturn a free and fair election. [cheers and applause] and threaten to terminate the united states constitution. and you cannot claim to be for unity when your entire economic agenda is designed to prioritize billionaires and big corporations over the middle class. [applause] we've been -- we're too busy watching what you are doing to hear what you are saying. and let us unpack that last point about the economy. this race can be boiled down to a single question. who fights for you?

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now, we know whose side our president joe biden is on. he grew up in a middle-class family in scranton, pennsylvania, and he has never forgotten where he came from. and i have been a first-hand witness. with every decision he makes in the oval office, he thinks about how it will impact working americans. he understands. [applause] he understands everyday struggles, because he has actually lived them. but friends, i say the contrast between joe biden and donald trump is like night and day. but with the selection of his running mate this week, donald trump is also trying to distract people. he wants to direct attention away from his record and his

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project 2025 plan to suggest that he and his running mate are going to prioritize the middle class. but we are not buying it. we are not falling for the okey-doke. as many of you know, i am a former prosecutor, so i say let's look at the facts, shall we? [cheers and applause] so, donald trump tries to claim he brought back american manufacturing. the fact is, under donald trump, america lost tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs. and more than 1000 factories closed under his watch. the facts. , president biden meanwhile president biden --

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meanwhile, president biden and i have created nearly 800,000 new manufacturing jobs. so much so it has been described as a manufacturing boom. last night, we heard claims that donald trump is for fighting for our seniors. well, how the heck can you claim you fight for seniors when you intend to cut social security and medicare? which we all know is a lifeline for so many of our seniors. let me be very clear. president biden and i will always protect social security, and we will always protect medicare. [cheers and applause] all while we continue to fight

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to lower the cost of prescription drugs for our seniors. it is president biden and i that took on big pharma and finally capped the cost of insulin for our seniors at $35 a month. who here has a family member with diabetes to know what that means? that's right. but donald trump and his running mate intend to get rid of our $35 cap on insulin. they will side with big pharma and let them make prescription drugs more expensive. not only that, on the issue of health care, they intend to get rid of the affordable care act. donald trump and his allies tried more than 60 times to end the affordable care act. 60 times. to give insurance companies back the power to deny people with

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pre-existing conditions. we all remember what that was like. children with asthma, women who survived breast cancer, grandparents with diabetes. president biden and i, on the other hand, have made the affordable care act more strong. [cheers and applause] because, you see, we believe health care should be a right, and not just a privilege of those who can afford it. [cheers and applause] pull up the split screen. whereas the last administration gave tax cuts to billionaires, we gave tax cuts to families through the child tax credit, we cut child poverty in america by half. and please, do note, their

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project 2025 agenda would even end headstart. to take away preschool from hundreds of thousands of our children. on the issue of the cost of living, donald trump says he wil l implement a 10% tariff on all imported goods. understand, independent economists agree, his tariffs would increase the cost of everyday expenses for families. the cost of gas, groceries, and clothing. we, on the other hand, have take n on big pharma, the big banks, and big corporations to bring down costs. it is we who have canceled debt, including student loan debt.

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testify if you have received it. [cheers and applause] indeed. in fact, so far we have forgiven student loan debt for nearly 5 million americans. and twice as much for our public servants including our teachers, our nurses, and our firefighters. you're welcome. we are also fighting to lower energy costs. we made historic investments in clean energy. today, america has record energy production, and we are energy independent. but trump wants to roll back our progress. check this out. in fundraisers with big oil lobbyists, he wanted to trade

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clean energy investments that we made for you, for a $1 billion campaign contribution he could get for himself. understand motivation. so north carolina, i think it is clear. if donald trump were to win in november, he will continue to sell out working families. he will continue to attack reproductive freedom. and he will continue to undermine our democracy. ultimately in this election, we each face a question. and this here in lies our power. the question we face is what kind of country do we want to live in? do we want to live in a country

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of freedom, compassion, and rule of law? or a country of chaos, fear, and hate? we each have the power to answer this question. so today then i ask, north carolina, are you ready to make your voices heard? do we believe in freedom? do we believe in opportunity? do we believe in the promise of america? and are we ready to fight for it ? and when we fight, we win! god bless you, and god bless the united states of america. [cheers and applause]

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crowd: four more years! announcer: today, the republican national convention concludes in milwaukee with former president donald trump officially accepting the republican party's presidential nomination. watch his speech live in the evening on c-span, c-span now are free mobile video app, or online at announcer: discover the heartbeat of democracy with voices 2024, as we engage voters nationwide asking what issue is most important to you in this election and why. >> the most important thing to me is the economy. as the economy has gone down it has caused working families to have to tighten their belt. they have less discretionary

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income, which has caused a secondary impact on local businesses that provide services. families have not been able to sustain local businesses in our communities. >> hi, i am a student at james madison university. one of the most important issues for me is to make sure we are telling the truth. it is important we are telling stories that matter. >> the most important issue facing united states right now is illegal immigration. we have a wide open border. we need to close the border and we need to finish the wall. immigration is taxing our infrastructure. schools, medical centers. it is destroying the country. we need to stop it. >> hello. i'm a vermont candidate for vermont lieutenant governor. as a republican. the largest issue in my heart is

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about taking care of the people and bringing all the people together. unity. we all have the same goal, we just have to get there together, work together with respect and transparency. announcer: c-span's voices 2024, be a part of the conversation. announcer: republican national convention attendees had the opportunity to take in some educational experiences inside the baird center in milwaukee during convention week. alongside book signings and merchandise for sale, a number of traveling exhibits participated in conventions per it c-span showcased is a lead -- as well as hearing directly from attendees asking them to share their voice on current topics. here are some other conventions exhibited. >> we have an educational

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component that we are telling the story of wisconsin's men and women who have served in our armed forces and we are telling their history and their story everything from women in service, i am not invisible, to our decorated heroes exhibit which tells the story of those who received bronze stars, purple hearts, silver stars, crosses, the metal of honor, and the story of wisconsin's prisoners of war and missing in action going all the way back to the civil war. it is an honor to be here today to help tell the story of wisconsinites who have worn the uniform and sacrificed for our freedom. >> we were invited to talk about presidential service. we have an exhibit here on president eisenhower, president nixon and president bush and each of their times serving in

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the military. we have been passing out free campaign pins, vintage bumper stickers and fans because it is quite hot and humid in here. a lot of people have been stopping by, curious, learning a lot about the military service. richard nixon was a quaker so we didn't have to serve in the navy, but he felt that call to service and so he served. it has been cool talking to people about richard nixon and to encourage visiting his presidential library in yorba linda, california. >> welcome to the presidential american experience. we are here at the convention. this is a replica of the oval office. this room is representing president reagan's oval office. each president gets to change out the oval office to their own style and should -- and taste. questions we get about the oval office the most is, is this the exact size? it is ve c

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[LIVE] Vice President Kamala Harris campaigns in Fayetteville, North Carolina, amid reports that senior Democratic lawmakers have had private conversations with President Biden about his chances of winning against Donald Trump in the 2024 general election.

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Campaign 2024 Vice President Harris Campaigns in Fayetteville, NC : CSPAN : July 18, 2024 2:01pm-2:33pm EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.